Keep Your Friends Close... (And Your Enemies Closer)

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When that thing came around for like 10 minutes later, everything went on like an ordinary night.

While I clutched the Phyton and the Rocket Launcher (yeah, it's legit) readily, I waited on the helipad, seeing those empty cargo boxes, and the explosive red barrels, not to mention the Maverick still in position behind my back. It's cold up here, but the sheer excitement I felt is enough to keep me crouched and hidden from the corner.

I looked below the roof, and I saw the expensive limousines parking right in the staircases.

I smiled. The mayhem begins in a minute now.



"Tommy!" Sonny raised his hands, attempting to fake a positive expression as Tommy, me and Ken descended at the staircase, hands on his Phyton tightly clenched.

But it quickly toppled over. "What? No big hugs for your old buddy?"

Tommy retorted with a sneer.

"I had fifthteen years out of the loop. I'm a bit rusty in family etiquette."

Sonny knew this, but kept his expressions tempted on.

"Always angry, eh Tommy? Didn't I say your temper would get you to trouble, huh?" He looked at me. "And look! You got yourself a girl to work for your errands? How rude of you."

"Well, he didn't get me for errands and stuff. We both earned this comps." I spat.

Sonny just chuckled. "That's very unlady of you. And such a shame that you didn't get to know us."

Ironically sarcastic, I smiled at him. "You don't need to."

"There's twenty million in the cases." Tommy muttered lowly.

"How many was it? Ten? No, eleven men!" Sonny jinggled. "That's why you were called 'The Harwood Butcher?'"

I don't know why, but it all goes into nothing and snaps.

"You sent me to kill me one man. ONE man. They knew I was coming, Sonny--"

"Tommy, Tommy. Watch your tone." Sonny's laugh faltered as his expression became sour. "Anyone could blame for that unfortunate set of circumstances."

Tommy just got to the edge of nerve. "Just take the damn money. Get the damn cash."

Sonny's right man grabbed the briefcases. "You know what Tommy, I did what I had to do for you. Pulled in strings, get some favors... I hope you'd make some sense. I trusted you, Tommy and you disappointed me."

Someone walked up behind Sonny. "But at least someone in your chicken shit organization, knows how to do business. Isn't that right, Lance?"

Well, the two became surprised. I didn't have to be one of those drama because I already got it.

"Sorry, Tommy. This is Vice City. This is business." Lance muttered as Sonny chuckled for himself.

Tommy frowned even greater than what he did earlier.

"You sold us out."

"No, I sold YOU out, Tommy. I sold you out!" Lance turned to Sonny. "The real cash is upstairs in the safe."

The briefcases met the ground again.

"What was the plan back there? You think I'll just take the fake cash? Save face, and run away with my tail between my legs??" Sonny bellowed.

Tommy stepped to Sonny, glaring at him evenly in the eyes and their faces centimeters apart from each other.

"No." His voice became low. "I just wanted to piss you off before I kill you."

And everything went to split, each opposing sides preparing for the massive mayhem.

I frowned as we got the starters. For instance, there are no strategies anyway.

"Just aim at the doors." I suggested to Tommy. "I'll take care of the other stairs."

It's still no wonder they keep pouring down at those places. No matter how fuzzy my hearing is now, I still have to wait for that prick to come out.

And it did.

"No one to cover your ass now, eh Tommy?" Lance mocked, along with his Ruger and two of the other men with him.

"You're going down, you backstabbing, prick!" Tommy sputtered as he pointed his Phyton to Lance.

"Oh, you think so?"

I smirked. "Yes, I think I do!"

I grabbed the stubble Rocket Launcher and fired the missile to him, greatly throwing him in flames as they got knocked out for good. I stood from my crouched position, breathing rapidly as Tommy walked right over.

"You alright?"

"I... I killed him." I muttered unbelievingly.

"So what? You regret it?"

I put the stock of the Rocket Launcher down. "No... I know now how it felt to kill a traitor."

Just in right cue, Sonny and the last of his men dived in.

"How cute of you. Liking her so far, Tommy?"

I just kept my mind laughing at him. Is he one of those ridiculous shippers around?

"Change of subjects." Tommy growled. "You took fifthteen years from me, Sonny... and I'm gonna make you pay!"

Sonny took a few steps in. "You still don't get it do you? I OWN you, Tommy. Those fifthteen years were mine to spend... and now, probably your entire life!"

He turned to his men. "Get them both, boys. Those two never understood a thing."

That was the right cue. "To hell with you first."

I launched the rocket, and setted them off.

I just sat on the stairs. The last mission finished once again.

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