Chapter 2

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It had been days since Dani had broken Maddie's heart. They did their normal stuff with the kids but Maddie kept her distance from Dani. Maddie was doing dinner dishes while Dani put the kids to bed. After Dani walked into the kitchen.

Dani "Hey"

Maddie ignored her.

Dani "You can't keep ignoring me, we have kids to raise together."

Maddie "The kids are alright. What more do you want?"

Dani "To talk, be friends."

Maddie "Fine, whatever."

Dani "I umm. I have a date tomorrow night."

Maddie "oh so soon, that was fast."

Dani "I just met him yesterday."

Maddie "Whatever, I'll finish the dishes tomorrow."

Maddie left and ran upstairs to her room and cried herself to sleep. She never knew she could possibly hurt this bad. The only thing she kept thinking was, how did I mess up so bad that she left me when she promised me forever. The next day was the same. Maddie stayed away from Dani the whole day. Dani left for her date and Maddie still hadn't spoken a word to Dani. Maddie tucked the children into bed and laid in bed watching the television. Maddie heard the front door open and then giggling. She heard people coming up the stairs and talking. Maddie was pissed and walked out of her room.

Maddie "Really! We haven't been broken up a week and you already bringing someone home?"

Dani "Please Maddie."

Maddie "Enough, kids are asleep. I'll be back whenever."

Maddie ran down the stairs and left. Maddie went to the bar and started drinking. Maddie felt like her world was falling apart. Maddie had a few more shots then started walking home. Maddie started talking to herself.

Maddie "No one cares, Dani has her fuck boy or whatever. The kids would be better off without me. Why did she have to break my heart. I just want to disappear."

Maddie stopped on the bridge. Maddie looked over the edge of the bridge. Maddie twist the ring on her finger. It was a gift from Dani. As a sign of their love. Maddie Couldn't take it anymore. Everything hitting her, she felt like she couldn't breathe. Maddie looks one last time at the ring and throws herself off the bridge.

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