Family dinner

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I hesitantly follow the strange girl out of the room and into the hallway. What did she say her name was again? Gilah? It's a pretty name, I've never heard it before. Although I've never really met anyone like her before. She just went from the age of eight to eighteen in about six seconds, and she had a smile planted on her face the whole while she did it.

We've only been walking for a few seconds down the torch lit hall when we come to a large double door. Right when I think she's about to open the door she whips around and faces toward me.

"Just a warning," she cringes. "Things are going to get a little bit... erm chaotic." She then turns around and swings the doors open. Loud chattering fills my ears as we step into the large room.

A long table sits in the middle of the room. Plates upon plates of food sit across its center, filling my nose with delicious aromas. Around the table I see girls chatting with each other, laughing and giggling about things I'm not sure of. Some are even speaking in different languages. At the head of the table sits Atlas. He's holding a wine glass in his left hand, and takes a sip from it while keeping his eyes trained on me. To the right of him is an empty seat, which I'm assuming is mine. Then to the left of him is something which confuses me even more. It's another little girl. She has black shiny hair like Atlas's except hers are in piggy tails which hang long past her shoulders. She's playing with a small baby doll. I wonder if she will suddenly turn into an eighteen-year-old like Gilah did? I don't know if I can take anymore freaky magic stuff. A hand reaches out and steals the doll from her, she yelps out and reaches for it from her seat. The thief is the only other boy I see at the table other than Atlas. He sits to the left of the little girl and he looks like a younger version of Atlas, his hair is a little longer though.

I feel my arm being nudged and I turn my head to see Gilah smiling down at me. "You better go sit by him before he glares a hole through your head." She says nodding towards the demon sitting at the table.

I turn back towards him and take in a deep breath. "Oh lord help me." I whisper out.

I walk over to the table and stand next to the empty chair next to his. I glare at him with the same intensity he is giving me.

He gestures toward the chair and lets out one word that seems to silence the entire room. "Sit."

Not a single person speaks now and even the boy has given the little girl her doll back. I look around once more then slowly pull out the chair and sit down. I look back at him and find a satisfied smirk on his face.

I do what you say one time, don't get used to it buddy. I think to myself.

"Nice of you to join us, sweetheart." He says to me.

"Well you did lock me in that room so it's not like I could've came down here by myself." I grit out, while I pick up a fork. Maybe trying to piss him off isn't a very good idea... I'm going to do it anyway.

He only chuckles at my words. "Keep being snappy. See if that gets you anywhere, sweetheart."

"Don't call me that," I blurt out. "And I don't even know where I am right now. So 'anywhere' other than here would be great."

He leans in over the table towards me. "You have no idea who you're dealing with, sweetheart." He says the last part with extra emphasis.

"Ok, now you're just calling me that on purpose."

"You should see what other things I can do with my mouth on purpose." He says with a large smirk on his face. My mouth drops open but before I can give a piece of my mind, a voice from the right of me cuts in.

"Oh, come on Atlas, there's no need to be that way." I turn my head to find a beautiful girl sitting next to me. She looks to be in her early 20's. She has dirty blonde hair that ends about two inches below her ears, and she is wearing a grey zip up sweatshirt and matching leggings. She is facing forward so I can't see her whole face or even her eyes, but from what I can tell she is very impressive looking.

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