Orion's Belt

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The world around me is shattering. Everything is falling apart and there is nothing that I can keep from being broken. Not even myself. This entire time I have been here, I have been given many things: friends, answers, food, space... Hope, and almost all of it has been ripped from my grasp.

Gilah -who I had thought to be my friend- lied to me in my most vulnerable moments; even accidentally admitted it me. Then the answers I have been given, I have no idea whether I should believe them or not. For all I know, everything I've been told while here has been a lie. The food is pretty good but it feels like I haven't eaten in hours. Last I ate was when Atlas fed me, but I have no clue how long I slept afterwards and I didn't eat when I woke up. I have space in my room but I feel confined now; claustrophobic. Then there's my hope... I don't even know what that word means anymore.

I've been laying on the ground in front of my dresser for who knows how long. To me it feels like minutes, but I know it's been more than a couple of hours. My tears still haven't dried. They are slower -only falling every so often- leaking from my eyes without my permission.

The knocking on the door stopped long ago, leaving me a mess of shock and fear. I have never been so close to death before. When I was sixteen, I got into a car crash, but that was the closest I have ever gotten. My car had rolled once and I ended up with a broken arm and concussion. That was terrifying but for some reason I knew that I wouldn't die; that wasn't how I was supposed to meet my end. While I was flipping through the air, my surroundings went in slow motion. Flashes came to my mind and instead of images of me dead on the side of the road I got a glimpse of me in a hospital bed. I knew then that I wouldn't die.

This time though... while I was hanging over the edge, I could see myself hitting the floor. I could see Atlas climbing down and staring into my lifeless eyes while the blood flowed from my body onto the floor. I truly believed I was going to die. I still do.

He must be playing with me. That was just the beginning of his plot to kill me. Make me trust him then instill fear in me so that when my end came, he could relish in the terror coming from me.

I have finally come to the conclusion that he is a manipulative sadist.

I feel a gentle touch on my shoulder and I bring my head up from where it is positioned on the ground between my knees. My vision is blurred by my tears and my eyes sting from the saltiness when I open them. The fuzziness disappears from my gaze and an unfamiliar figure appears. He's kneeled down in front of me with a small smile plastered on his somewhat freckles face. Dirty blonde hair sits messily on his head, the top part is long while the sides are cleanly cut.

I sit up slightly and lean against my dresser behind me, wondering who this strange man could possibly be.

"Who are you?" I ask, voicing my concerns.

He clutches his chest in mock hurt, wrinkling his grey shirt into his hand. "Oh, I'm hurt. I thought you'd have recognized me by now."

His voice hits me sharply and I move my hands from the ground to the to my lap. Making them more accessible in case I need to protect myself in anyway.

"Azrail." I whisper and he confirms with a nod of his head.

"There's no need to be afraid. My intentions are not to hurt you." He smiles, showing me a perfect set of teeth.

"Huh, sure had me fooled. Do you really expect me to believe you?" I spit out, trying my hardest to replace my fear with anger.

"No, Miss Garrett, you have every right to think me dishonest. Would you like some reassurance, mon âme?" He asks and I nod my head hesitantly. I hope this isn't a trap. "Atlas told you that we all have weaknesses, yes? Well mine is that I cannot lie, it is impossible for me to do so."

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