........the day......

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Your pov

I am depressed,since i join the survey corps no one has ever even notice me.

It was now expedition,we will gonna fight the titans,we were now in our horses now we were in this is the perfect day to leave this cruel world they never once did notice me.I never even fell how to have friends they care for you.

"hey!(name)"sasha said

"oh hey sasha,wait your in my squad?"
"oh no,i'm sorry i just wanted to say hello to you"

"ok Thanks....goodluck!"

"yeah thanks you too!"

"let the 57th expedition begin!"erwin yelled the gate slowly opened

(name) is in vanguard along with some other people she doesn't know.

Time skip

Blood,blood everywhere (name) saw her teams was got by the titans hand one by one and eated brutally all of them were wiped out exept for her.

One of the members managed to set off an smoke signal so back up should be coming soon.(name) did not believe anyone will come for her squad,especially with her luck.her squeeze on (name) torso sent her back into reality.A titan slowly brought her into it's mouth.

'I guess this is the end of me living this cruel world'

"(name)!"screamed reiner
Jean,armin,bertholdt,reiner managed to find each other after they lose their squads.they saw a smoke signal so they came to help.
(name)doesn't care anymore her face showed no emmotion but smiled because she will leave this world foreever.she was finnaly happy to leave this cruel world,to leave this selfish people.She will finnaly meet the true freedom.she close her eyes the titan brought her into it's mouth and bite her torso off.it's finnaly over.
Armin,reiner,jean,and bertholdt were in shock.'d-did she just smiled when she was killed by that titan?'

The death of (name) left anyone traumatized.the fact she slowly smiled infrount of deaths door. Did she did not life,did she did not like them?they were confused,and sad they haven't paid attention to her.levi ordered to clean out there room

While cleaning they found her diary,a few blades,a picture of her deseased family.they all deceived to read the journal, but the only have their hearts shatter. How could she go through this without letting anyone know?Them she thought they were shelfish and not conforting her?the pitied her it made them go even insane even more.IT WAS ALL THEIR FAULT...

Time skip when it was modern time without titan,walls,and BIG ASS TREES.

"good morning class we have an new transfer student welcome her with an open arms."

A girl with an beutiful (h/c) (h/l) hair and dull (e/c) eyes,her face had stoic expression on them like she doesn't care about anyone.she walked into classroom and looked at them.

W-wait (na-(name)?!

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