chapter 1

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Your pov

You looked around confused but you just shake it off

A boy with short blond hair and glowing hazel eyes.Sitting next to him was tall lanky boy with black and green eyes.he was just confused as he was do they know my name?i don't even know neither of them being my friend.

"so (name) do you want to intruduce your self into the class?"false sweet tone of the teacher's voice ask me.

" name is (name),(name) (lastname) i came from the country (c/n),and please"you glared at them"dont ever mess with me."

"r-right!uh,please (name) sit next to sia aoy the girl with light brown hair with blond strakes!"the teacher point to the girl who was verge of fangirling.

What in the world is wrong with this girl?

I quickly walked into the desk i shared with this girl sia,i looked weirdly to this girl.

I hate everyone eyes on me.i felt unconfortable i looked at them and glared.they looked away.i placed my bag on the bag hanger that took place the side of the desk.i took out my pencil bag and place it infront of me.Sia peered and looked at my face and quiet squeal emerge from here vocal cords.

"oh my god,your so cute and serious wanna be friends?!we can eat lunch together,hang around during breaktime,have sleep overs,walk home together,and do what besties do."
Your eyes soften"i might not the best person to ask but sure."she squeal "oh my god we will be the best of the best friend!"this girl starting to hurt my arm"uh..sure but please,can you let go of my arm it was starting to hurt."she blush and looked away"o-o-oh sorry!bestie"as she said went to her personal space buble.

"now everyone take out book one,and open to page 13.the book should be in your desk."the honey toned teacher said.i grab the book and open to the destinated page.i felt something staring at me.more like someone but why?.i felt the person burning an hole back on my head that's how the intense the stare are.I turned around and saw two male staring at me, i akwardly stare back,then i turned around went back from reading the teacher asigned to us.i looked at sia she was drooling like she was thinking of something,then i looked at her weirdly,in my mind right now 'i'm surrunded by an bunch of idiots."



The period bell rang signaling it was break time now.Sia shot up to her desk and having an nosebleed and slammed the book shut.

She quickly pack the pencils notebookes that are sprwled on our desk.

"(y/n) is it really you?"the short blond hair ask

You glared at them"that's my name,am i supposed to know you two?"

"you dont remmember us?you're surname is (l/n) right?"

"yes that is correct,how do you two know me?"you said glaring at them"nevermined ofcourse you know me i intruduce my self to front."

'you dont really remmember us." the blond one muttered.

I could't make out what he i wonder what was that.

"hey,i ask how do you two know me like you see me not just right now."i said blankly

"um...!reiner and i saw an tranfer student file in the office and we saw you at the market a few days ago!"said the black haired boy.

You looked at him weirdly, in your mind 'what the f*ck is wrong with this dude i never visited the market in this country'

"anyways,my name is reiner and this is bertholdt,nice to meet you,let's be friends.


"hey!she is my friend find someone else!"sia said as she hugged me stuck her tounge out to them.two boys looked at eachother and left.

"since it was breacktime lets go hangout in our next classrom.we should have the same class since this is our starting period.half of the people in this class go to the same class mayby your one of them!"sia grabbed my schedule and squinted a bunch of leters"your one of them!let's head to ms.zoë class!"grabbed her bag and mine started to walked out of now empty classroom.i quickly followed her so i woulf not get loss to my next class.we walked down into the whole corridor and made right into the classroom into with metal steel doors that tittled "ms.Zoë sciece room for titan dummies."

What a strange sign?sia oppened the door to reveal a young woman with brown hair pulled up into a messy pony tail.she wore glasses that looked more like goggles she wore pastle button shirt with a long white lab coat over it.she had sleeves rolled into her form arm.she looked like an nice pretty lady!.

"hello sia! how's your day goin'?"she ask"great!i brought a new student,who is now my bestie!"sia said as she pointed to me"oh.....hello"i said waving akwardly.

"(y/n) is that you?!oh my god were so sorry for what happend!"she said as she run into me and gave an bone crushing hug.

" there is so many student know me am i an special student?"i ask

"wait so you don't remmeber what happend?"

" i supposed to know it?"you said looking at her, she is suspicious like that two boys what do they know about me?"

"oh no!sorry for jumping at you like that! Please forgive for my rudeness,my name is Hanji Zoë the most awsome teacher in the school!Nice to meet you (y/n) i prusume."she said she wave her hand in the air as if she was an seaweed.

"oh nice to meet you too,you sound like an nice science teacher!"i said

"is it that bad?"

"no!i didn't mean it like that!!"i said waving my hand frantically trying to convince her.

"i was just kidding darling,loosen up a bit will ya?"she said did that anime push up glasses thing.

So where do I sit?"
"Lemme see..." she ran to her desk and pulled out what probably was the sitting chart.
"I'm gonna put you in station fours group! The group consist of two boys named Connie Springer and Marco Bodt, and with a girl named Sasha Braus. It's that station over there with the big four. Sit at any seat there."

I walked over to the four-seated desk. Connie Springer, Marco Bodt, and Sasha Braus. There names sound familiar in some way.
"You got station four! I wish you got my station, my station is one. So if you need any help, waddle your way over to my station and I would totally help you! I'm gonna go use the restroom, I've been holding it since the start of school." She said I she walked over and grabbed the female bathroom pass.
"Good morning Ms. Hanji!" Three people said as they walked into the classroom. One of the boys had hazel eyes and a shaved head. The other had black parted-hair with light brown eyes. He also had some freckles that lightly littered his face. Then there was a girl with brown hair kept into a ponytail that reached the base of her neck. She also had light gold eyes.
They made their way over to my station. They must be Connie, Marco, and Sasha.
"(Y/N) is that really you! Oh my God your really alive!" The small built bald boy exclaimed.
"Um you three, I need to talk to you outside." Ms. Zoë said as she and the three walked out of the classroom.
It took a few minutes before they came back in with huge smiles on their faces.
"So your thenew transfer student?! My name is Sasha Braus, nice to meet you!" Sasha said. "My name is Marco and over their is Connie. Pleasure to meet you!" Marco said as he gave me a angelic smile. "Hey Marco I can introduce myself! So your (Y/N) I heard, Ms. Hanji told us." "Umm yeah I am, nice to meet you three. I guess we have the same station, so I hope we can get along!" I exclaimed. Ms. Zoë came back in the room and walked over to us. "Marco, Connie, and Sasha grabbed the others. We have to have meeting at lunch." "Yes Ms.Hanji!" "Are you aloud to call her Ms. Hanji?" I asked. "Of course were aloud to! The first day of school she told us to not be so formal with her. She dislikes it she said." "Oh okay, thanks!" + Ring! "It's time for class to begin! We just have to wait for the other students!" Hanji yelled as she started to dance in front of the classroom. What a weird school?

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