Chapter 6

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I know I was the one that said it was okay, but watching her cuddle up to him was pissing me off. It's not like he looked like he was enjoying himself. He looked like he was extremely uncomfortable actually. After we won the game, Elliot dragged Albus away from our celebrating team and they went out with the girls. And me, being the totally secure boyfriend, followed them. I took Anna and Rose with me, telling them I wanted to celebrate by getting a butterbeer.

"Where's Al?" Rose asked as we walked into The Three Broomsticks.

"Elliot roped him into going on a double date with these girls," I said, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Who are the girls?" Anna asked as we sat down at one of the tables, with a clear view of Albus, and Rose went to get us some drinks.

"Her name's Isabelle. I don't know much about her though. As for Elliot's date, it's Veronica."

Anna wrinkled her nose when I said Veronica. "I'm surprised she agreed to go out with Elliot."

"Why?" I asked, looking over at the dark-haired beauty sitting next to Elliot.

"She's very particular with who she goes out with. She never asks anyone out even though everyone knows that there is only one guy that she really wants to go out with." She looked at me expectantly but when I didn't say anything she sighed. "You, dumbass."

I furrowed my brow. "What? Since when does she fancy me and how do you know for sure?"

"Since forever. Veronica is a lot of things but she isn't subtle. Just the other day she purposely dropped her books in front of our table in DADA, giving us a full view of her cleavage."

I had remembered someone dropping their books in front of me but I was too busy admiring the way that Al's nose scrunched up when he concentrated that I hadn't even looked at her.

I shrugged. "If that's true then why did she decide to go out with Elliot?"

"Think about it. She agrees to go out with your roommate and her best friend asks Albus out, your other roommate and best friend. She's slowly making her way towards you, trying to get your attention because you're obviously clueless."

I looked over at Veronica to see she was already looking at me. She grinned and gave me a wave before turning back to her group. She's wasting her time, I thought. There wasn't anyone that could take my attention away from Albus. I looked over at him then and saw Isabelle put her hand on top of Al's, smile and lean into him. I tensed and looked away before I ran over and pulled him away from her.

"Well, it doesn't really matter because I'm not interested in her," I shrugged.

I looked at Annabelle and she was giving me a measured stare. Before I could ask, Rose cut in, dropping the drinks on the table.

"Are we talking about Veronica? Because I hear she's a real bitch." She plopped down next to me and started drinking her butterbeer. "I really don't know what everyone sees in her."

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