10 - Highway To Hell

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Finally lunch arrives and I have never yearned for a meal so desperately in my life. "Food. Is. Good." I speak between chews, my speech is subdued by the large chunks of veggie quiches filling my cheeks.

"I. Am. Groot." Jayden mimics me accepting the inevitable head slap as his consequence. Offside to our left, a small knit circle consisting of Rhea and three other girls --I can't remember the names of-- lean forward in their cross legged group, engrossed in a captivating conversation.

"I think I'd want Don't Stop Me Now by Queen." Rhea flips her silky hair and I can't help staring at her perfect profile, then her lean arms to athletic legs... I'm staring again, don't be a creep, Jordan. Not all Lesbians have to be awkward around straight girls.

"I dunno, personally I would have, Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead but change 'witch' to 'bitch.'" Jayden and I laugh choke on our meals, making our sly efforts to eavesdrop known to them as they turn in our direction. "What? Don't like my music taste, GayJay?"

Ugh, really? That nickname is older than the Titanic. The movie, obviously. 

"Oh on the contrary Syphilis Bibilis," The other girls shocked faces are priceless, Rhea hides a smirk behind her angled knee.

"I think it suits you perfectly." I remember her now. Rachel Bibilis is one of those stuck up entitled bitches you have to suffer in life. "Ass." She bites back.

"Hag." He returns calmly, licking his fingers.

"Drag Queen." Rachel is getting riled up, taking the insult contest too seriously.

"Hang on, I'm confused, I thought we were insulting each other?" He holds up his hand and I proudly high five him. That's my best friend everybody. Someone in my shoes might say, 'Oooh burn' but I have to much respect for myself to do that.

Unable to get a word in edgewise between petty comments and childish sounds, Rhea shuts down the conversation meeting my eyes and averting the discussion. "What about you, Jordan?" 

Everyone looks at me. Rachel wearing her best RBF while the other two participants rearrange themselves slightly closer to us, almost welcoming Jay and I into their gradually extending circle.

"What song would you have at your funeral?" Oh, that's the conversation. Heh, I would pay big money to attend Rachel's purely for the song alone.

"Pfft, easy, ACDC, Highway to Hell." Laughter erupts all around me. I hadn't noticed the others fall silent until my words are carried in the noiseless air. I turn red at the overwhelming attention. "Classic."

The Indian girl kneeling next to Rachel raises herself on hind quarters, "I was thinking along the lines of Baby Got Back because I don't need or want anyone to cry for me, what do you think, Lisa?"

Lisa, the dark skinned person in their clique contemplates this for a moment, after weighing up her options she replied in a deadpan manner. "It's gotta be Bat Outta Hell, Meatloaf."

"Mmm," I nod in agreement, "great taste, love that song." I compliment.

Rhea perks up at this, "Never took you as one for classic rock, Jordan." Her appreciative smile kills me.

A nervous giggle is my pathetic wordless reaction. "I have weird taste." I add unnecessarily, silently face palming myself.

"And even higher standards." Jayden says smally, that cheeky bastard. For some unknown reason I'm unable to break eye contact with her exquisite turquoise irises.

She must sense this because she winks teasingly and I return to staring at my boring, not Rhea food. Hoping I don't come across as 'too gay.'



The floor vibrates around us, "Am I tripping or can you guys feel that too?" I ask in hopes of changing the focus. MMmm MMmm.

Jayden pads his pockets, he was in the habit of removing his phone from his skin tight jean pocket whilst seated because it jabs sensitive areas.

Searching the wooden planes beneath us he pushes aside jackets and bags retrieving the silent ringing phone, sliding the icon up to answer, "Yellow?" He makes his voice deeper than natural.

Is this a potential love interest I don't know about?

The voice on the other end is high and chirpy, talking a hundred miles per hour. "Yeah, I'm here." More indecisive chit chat. "Go ahead, go crazy." I predict the caller is a female but I can't figure who it might be. "You might as well double everything, go big or go home." An ecstatic shrill explodes from the speaker.

Rhea and her friends refresh their drinks at the catering table. I keep one ear on Jayden's conversation but my attention on them across the hall longingly.

"Yeah, by all means use away, what's mine is yours." Ok, I have never known him to be so blasé with his money... something isn't right.

"Don't be shy add another thousand, you only live once." I accidentally snort the last sip of my ice water as another scream erupts from the phone.

He holds a finger at my confused expression, smiling mischievously as he speaks "Sweet, no worries. Yep, yeah, love you too, ok, bye." He hangs up the call.

"Who and what was that about?"

"She's buying birthday presents from luxury sites online--Hey does anyone know who owns a Samsung Galaxy Note 7?" My mouth falls open, people spare inconsiderate shurgs mumbling nah's and sorry man.

"That wasn't your phone?"He chuckles at my strained whisper protecting his delicate limbs from my prodding fists. "You. Little. Shit." Jayden wriggles out of reach shielding his fluffy hair.

"Did someone say Galaxy Note 7?" Daniel asks making us stop mid cat-fight. Jay casually hands him the device, "Thanks, I was looking for this." We bite our lips watching him reunite with his overly straight guy friends.

"We're making friends everywhere we go."

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