13 - Mission: Highly Unlikely

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Jordan's POV


My elbow collides painfully with the glove box mid rotation, "Can I get a warning next time?" I rub the sore area, revolving the window downward expecting Tash or Lucinda to rear their heads. "Hey, sorry," Rhea leans forward, "forgot to give your spray bottle back." Wasn't expecting her.

I'd forgotten all about it, "Oh, thanks." An experienced talker might have something witty or at least interesting to say. Unfortunately I lack all those qualities, neglecting the bottle on the back seat.

"Hi, Ms Jaksen." Tucking chin length fringe behind her ears she waves politely at my mom. "Hello, uh..." It takes me too long for comfort to realize she is waiting for me to introduce the unknown student. "Oh, right. Rhea, this is my mom. Mom, Rhea, she's also in the Drama program."

Mom nods to every syllable, smile growing wider when a connection is made. "Oh ok, hello, Rhea, that's a lovely name." Rhea stretches across me and they formally shake hands.

"Thanks, I'm just glad you got it right on the first go."

"People get it wrong?" Mom inclines her head, lifting the handbrake. Here we go, that's her sign to get comfortable, I swear she can talk underwater that woman, especially when she's becoming acquainted with someone. "Oh yeah, all the time. I've gotten, Thea, Lea, Mia. Once someone heard Crimea, so I had a good laugh at that."

I disguise a snicker by clearing my throat. "Yeah, I know the headache, Kelly rhymes with everything from smelly, belly, jelly. It was never ending." They share one of those mutual white people moments, letting the sentence hang in the air awhile until another topic is raised.

I guess that's my cue. "Listen," Rhea leans her forearm on the open window, partially inside the car, "my sister, Demi, she's over there." We follow her index finger, landing on a white mini in a cluster of uninhabited vehicles, Demi's ginger hair stands out against the other parked cars.


"We live almost forty minutes away and if you would like, she's willing to pick up Jordan of a morning and drop her off every afternoon--" Already my mom shakes her head considerately while I maintain a dumbfounded expression.

"It's nice of you to offer, but really, we're alright." Shhh let her speak! She is ruining any chance I have to be friends with Rhea. "Are you sure? It's really no bother, Demi doesn't have an issue with it."

Do my ears deceive me or am I tripping? I find it hard to believe she's being legit about the whole situation. Maybe it's a prank. Would she be that kind of person?

My questioning is disturbed by mom who confirms I am officially hallucinating. "Well..." I know that tone, it's the 'y'know that's not actually a bad idea' sound made by someone in a time of weakness.

She sighs, the tension among us is so thick its like a pea soup fog. I didn't know you could anticipate and answer so badly.

Her sunglasses flick from Rhea to me, only our reflection is visible. "I appreciate the offer but it's only for a few weeks, we should be fine." MOM!

"That's alright, sorry if I'm imposing." She nods a farewell, ready to leave.

I watch her lean frame walk to the brake lights, still within earshot when mom surprises us both, asking,"Demi's a safe driver, correct?" The fact she is considering this means not all hope is lost.

Rhea's face lights up in a contagious way, I can't help but smile. "Never had one ticket."  She answers confidently reentering back aching position and sparing a fleeting glance at me. I implore encouragingly using minor eye movements.

Words can't begin to describe how much I'll owe her if she successfully persuades my mom.

"I'll tell you what, why don't you give Jordan you're number," My head snaps right so fast it tightens from the whiplash. I did not just here that, it was a figment of my imagination. "Then we can get back to you once we've made a decision, is that alright?" My non existent social life will be turned on it's head if this goes to plan but I don't count on it.

That just happened.

"Sounds perfect, thank you, Ms Jaksen." Hovering a few inches from my face she lists her phone number while I fiddle for my disobedient phone, taking forever to wake up. "Got it, thanks." I say once I've listed her in my contacts.

"Great, drive safe." Rhea beams, backing out long enough for the window to revolve close, cutting off the outdoor supply of heat. We wave through the glass, she does the same then we're back on the road, a hefty silence weighing on us.

"So... Rhea seems nice--"

"She's straight, ma." I shut her down bluntly knowing all too well the usual path these conversations take. The air vents struggle to keep up in the burning temperature, "Well that sucks." She says frankly, her whole premeditated speech deflating instantly.

If I ever want things to go my way, I have to butter her up first. "So, they can pick me up and drop me off. She's never had a ticket and the don't have a problem with it. Sounds pretty good don't you think?" The sunglasses shielding her eyes are a strategic accessory she often uses to conceal the specific facial section which gives away her train of thought.

She says, "We'll see." yet everyone knows she actually means, "Slim chance, Jordan."

Just as I suspected.

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