"Tears like glass marbles"

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"Tears like glass marbles"

Every night you secretly cry

I sit on the stairs listening to your sorrow

But i'm too young to understand

That helping isn't as easy as thought

I love you so much

That sometimes when i hear you cry

I get the fear of losing you

Everyone is broken here

No ones more sane

The only one remains

Is me

But secretly i cry at night

When everyone dreams

I'm awake and think about

How to solve this all

I'm so broken

But keep a mask

So it all won't break apart

But my heart hurts

It aches so much

That sometimes i just think

Why am i doing this to myself?

But then i see your smile

And everything makes sense

I do this

I break my heart

And pile my emotions up till they burst

Just for you

Then i love you so much

Even when i have to keep this fasade

Even when i have to sheet more tears

I will still continue

Then you deserve to be happy

No matter how much

I have to give for that

Then you're my



-For mom-

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