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She was in the same room now, with some of the same people. But the light wasn't from the sun, it was from the lamp above them. And she wasn't unconscious, although it all felt like a dream as her hands hovered above an open wound above his right breast.

— Alina...

— I can do this — she stressed, not even looking at Ganya. Focusing once more on the injury, she repeated the words her mother had taught her. Some sparks started to come out of her hands, but soon died out. — Fuck!

— Alina, that's enough — Dagon stepped forward and pulled his sister's arm. — There are others here with healing powers.

— I have to help him, Dagon! — she angrily replied. — He's alive! Dee, he's alive!

— I know.

— I have to help him!

Dagon tried to pull Alina into a hug and she tried to fight it, pushing him away. But as he insisted and pulled her more strongly, Alina gave in and sunk into Dagon's chest. The three had arrived an hour before, but only now it was dawning on Alina that Manish was there. He was alive, he was there. As the tears streamed silently down her face, she heard Cece and Anne discussing something and looked over at them.

— I can start his healing, and once he wakes up you give him the potion.

— Okay — Anne nodded and put her hand on her friend's shoulder. — But you have to be careful.

As Alina adjusted herself in the hug so she could watch the scene, she saw Cece roll up the sleeves in her bomber jacket and gently place both hands on Manish's chest. The woman then squeezed her eyes shut to concentrate better, and the many wounds on his chest, arms, head and wings started to emanate light. Alina had seen Cece do that before, but it was still mesmerizing. Then, Cece noticed Manish's eyelids seemed to have started moving and removed her hands, making the wounds, a lot of which were now smaller, stop shining.

After she stood back, Anne approached with an orange liquid inside a pipette. With help from Ganya to open the man's mouth, she squeezed it and a few drops fell in, making him cough and startling Alina. She let go completely of Dagon's arms, approaching the bed once again.

— He should be up soon — she explained as Alina had began to stroke his hair. — We'll give you some time.

As everyone left, Alina waited for a moment she never thought she would have. He was being held by a stingător, she heard the gunshot, her friends saw all the blood... And after taking all of that in, she just wished she had been able to say goodbye. She wished she could have found his body so he could have had a proper funeral. She never thought she'd be wishing for him to open his eyes soon — that she could wish for that. And when he did, they were just as she remembered: the epitome of the colors of nature, the woods he flew her above, the grass they lied on top of to kiss, the grey clouds from when it was about to rain and they quickly found shelter in the nearest spot.

— Lin — he opened a weak smile, and Alina teared down in response.

— Mani — her voice quivered.

— I knew I'd see you again — he whispered. It wasn't completely true; at times, he was sure he would die. But he held onto that hope. Alina brought her hand to the man's face, only then getting back to breathing right.

— Was it them? — she asked as another tear dropped, and the man nodded.

— Baramir is there — Manish let out, and Alina's heart ached to think of it. — They had some sort of witchcraft that took away my powers. But they wouldn't kill me... They wanted to know where we were hiding. But don't worry, they're not even close—

— That's not what I'm worried about — she cut him off, and he reached to wipe her tears. He was always taking care of her. Without thinking, Alina leaned in closer and kissed him. He tasted of what she remembered; warmth, sweetness, comfort. Many things ought to go through her mind, but right then, the moment was just theirs. Manish wrapped his arms around Alina and she supported hers on his strong chest. Oh, how he had missed her taste of red wine and salty water. It was almost ironic that his friends thought he had died on that night one year ago; because that had been the last time, until that very moment, that he had felt so alive.

After Alina pulled back, she analyzed the bed, wondering if there was enough space for her to join him. And he knew that was what her unsettled eyes were doing, so he pulled her close to him. His deepest and most painful injuries now looked like ordinary cuts, and would stop troubling him soon. Alina nestled on his chest, closing her eyes.

— Did you read my letter? — he asked, earning a laugh from her. She then inhaled deep and looked into his eyes.

— My sweet jaadoo machhalee — Alina started. — There is no easy way to tell you this, but I vow to be honest to my love, so I have to: I went to the museum of Frida Kahlo without you. I was there for work and I couldn't resist it. I had a great time, everything was beautiful. But, if it's of any comfort, I remembered the many things you told me about her, and I understood all the paintings and photographs. I looked like a nerd you would be really proud of. Promise I'll go back with you someday. Always yours, passarinho sensual.

— You memorized it — he grinned, seeing her nod.

— For a while, I was really mad at you. Because the last letter you ever wrote to me had nothing sentimental in it. It was just average, just normal stuff, like we— she dropped another tear, and Manish held her tighter. — Like we would see each other again.

— Well, we did — Manish stroked Alina's hair, and she faced him once more.

— I still can't believe you're alive. How did this happen?

— Well, he shot me on my leg, actually — he indicated the scar on his left calf. — They wanted information out of me, so they decided to take me in to their leader. So, as they were carrying me, I took off my watch and dropped it on the floor. So our friends would find you.

— You should have taken it with you — Alina shook her head, eyes still watery.

— Couldn't risk it — he smiled once again. — But how are you, Lin? How have you been?

— I'm okay. I'm— Alina took a deep breath, looking away at the window. — Actually, you know what? I'll be right back, okay?

— Okay — Manish replied as she stood up and grabbed him a blanket. — You should get some rest, you need lots of it.

— I will — he smiled. Alina shut down the lights in the room after smiling sweetly at the man. The second she stepped out and closed the door, however, her face completely changed. Dagon, who was waiting just outside, noticed that she looked very angry and purposed, walking fast towards the conference room.

— Call everyone, Dagon — she said without looking back.

— Why? — he was following the woman, who then stopped in front of the weapons closet and swung it open, picking up a shotgun and strapping it on her back.

— I'm gonna kill them. The stingător, I'm gonna kill them all.  

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