Body image

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Body image is a concept I'll never fully understand for we are excepted to love who we are but how can that happen when society deem a lot of things and there are labels to which we are given how can we be excepted to love who we are and what we look like. We go to school to learn but unfortunately that's not what all goes on we get bullied we get exposed to people every day but due to society we begin to judge ourselves against them because they are prettier or thinner or smarter and then the teachers roam round and they don't help with this concept for I hate the way I am already and I look round my class they are all prettier all thinner and then I am an outcast in my school it's a fact and so I spend my break and lunch either trapping myself in the bathroom or I walk round the school but to argue which is worse probably walking for I see all the students and think to myself why can't I be her why can't I have her hair her looks why can't I be as thin as her then the teachers come past me as well and they are all really skinny and I just die inside because it hurts so much that I can't be as pretty as them or as skinny and then my hate builds up and I cry but maybe if society didn't deem what's pretty what's thin what's smart would we love ourselves? would we feel good about ourselves? or will we just hate ourselves more?

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