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Jason's POV

One Mississippi. The bleachers shake with the stomping of the fans. I can smell popcorn, nachos, hotdogs. The fourth quarter. Us in the lead with 47 to 40. Three seconds on the clock. The marching band leaving the field with the trumpet player's last note still ringing in my ears. I tap my helmet against Roy's as we find our places. I pull at my pads, making sure they're secure and in place. The other quarterback calls the play and is snapped the ball. 

Two Mississippi. He's running. He's running right towards me. I take my chance. My hands start to shake as I prepare myself for the impact I'm about to put myself through. My calves burning with a sensation of adrenaline from the game. I gain speed and run.

Three Mississippi. I hit him. I fall backwards and slam my head against the ground. I heard a snap then a groaning as I tried to sit up. The quarterback still on the ground holding the ball as he lay out of bounds. I smirked to myself as I realize he wasn't getting up anytime soon. 

The buzzer sounds loudly. I hold my arm against my ribs when I try to stand.

"Woah! Dude, take it easy. I think you really hurt yourself this time," Roy said. I winced once the physician ran over to me and tried to raise my jersey to see my ribs.

"I'm pretty sure I hurt him worse though," I smirked and nodded my head towards the quarterback laying on the ground with medics surrounding him.

"Whatever, but Coach is going to murder you for hurting yourself. Plus, he got in the endzone. All they have to do is make the kick and we go into overtime." I groaned audibly.

"Well, I guess I better get my ribs wrapped then. I'm gonna play in overtime," I stated.

"No you're not, Todd," Coach demanded. I threw my hands in the air, a bad decision on my part, in exasperation.

"Why not?" I questioned. "I'm fine to play for another ten minutes!" Coach sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose in aggravation.

"Fine, but if you get hurt anymore then you're in big trouble," he gave in.  I pumped my fist in celebration. "We don't have enough time for you to wrap your ribs, you're gonna have to deal with the pain until the game is over." I nodded.

"They made the extra point!" Roy yelled to me. I groaned in anger. "What's the play?"

"I right wiggle switchblade," I announced to my offensive line. "On break. Break!" The all took their positions.

Roy nodded at me from the edge of the field as I looked to see if everyone was in position.

"T-17! T-17! Hut, hut!" Donnie snapped me the ball and I searched for Kendall, my runningback who was supposed to screen for me. He popped up next to me and blocked a left tackle. I smirked as I saw Roy wide open. Not a person on him. I winced as I threw the ball straight to him, my ribs throbbing. 

Roy caught the ball and sprinted down the field towards the endzone. I wasn't paying attention and when I looked to my right, I saw a two hundred fifty pound dude barreling towards me with no intention of stopping. Sweat runs down my face as I try to think fast and hard about how to get myself out of this situation. I can't get hurt again. I choke on my mouth guard as my palms grew sweaty. I feel a breeze as I think, Fuck it.  I run towards my opponent but all I can see is a glare from the bright lights above.

My bones crack and I'm laying on the ground. My eyes squeezed shut to try and help me believe I'm just imagining the pain that's growing in my abdomen. I suddenly realize that I've been hit. Hit hard. I can taste iron on my tongue as I feel blood sink into my mouth from my top lip and nose. I'm in so much pain. The mud beneath me soaking me into a colder signature. I slowly come back to reality as I see the linebacker standing above me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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