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"Rose Galavan." Rose smiled as she walked across the wooden stage, accepting her high school diploma and shaking hands with her principle as well as some other school officials. When she looked out to the audience, her eyes landed on Jim first. He looked like a proud father, watching as his first kid graduated from high school.

The pair have grown since the night Jerome died. Rose eventually told him the truth about herself, her real last name and how her uncle was Theo Galavan. Jim made the promise that Rose won't have to return to him. That she won't have to fear her uncle any more. That Rose won't have anything to fear anymore.

In some way, that promise was kept. After everything that happened after Jerome, such as Theo trying to take over Gotham (and getting himself killed due to that), Jim had kept up his promise during that time and even after her uncle was gone. He made sure that Rose was safe in Gotham. He made sure she finished up the time she had left in her senior year of high school. He had been taking care of the young girl ever since she first came to him after Jerome's death.

In the audience were Bruce and Alfred. The pair had become somewhat like family as well. It wasn't much, but Rose was grateful to have them around. Harvey was also in the audience with Jim, who became a fun uncle (one that Rose never had) to her. He made her smile and laugh. Rose couldn't remember the last time she had laughed before she had a conversation with Harvey.

Others were in the audience to support Rose as well. It seemed like Jim made a big deal about Rose's graduation at the precinct.

When the whole ceremony was over, Rose walked out to the main area. She scanned the crowd a few times before her eyes landed on Jim, who was making his way over to her. She met him halfway and was engulfed into a hug from him.

"I'm so proud of you Rose," He told her before releasing her from his hug. "Look at all you did after all that happened." He smiled at her before others congratulated her.

"I'm just glad this is all over now," the girl smiled as she walked out of the building with her entourage following her. "I'll be attending college-" a concern look on Jim's face made her add, "-nearby of course."

Rose stopped at Jim's car, listening to the plans for the evening. They would meet up at Wayne Manor to officially celebrate Rose's high school graduation.

And in a short couple months, the girl would be attending college. Away from all the craziness in Gotham City.

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