Chapter Eight

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"So, how are you doing, Aurora?"

Damn that question, Rory thought to herself – how the hell was she supposed to answer? In the last six months, Rory had found out that her family were professional werewolf hunters, her mother was a murderer that murdered almost the entire Hale family ten years ago, then her mother was murdered in front of her – and yes, they may not have gotten along but it was still traumatising – she had been bitten by the psycho that had killed her mother, she had developed some form of magical ability that she was still a bit foggy on, she had friends who were werewolves, her best friend was bitten by the aforementioned psycho murderer and nothing had happened, her best friend's ex-boyfriend had turned into an overgrown lizard who had paralytic venom in it's claws, her aunt had killed herself because she had been bitten, her cousin had gone off the deep end because of it and her deranged grandfather was still hanging around.

So, how was she doing?

In short – fucking terribly.

But of course, she couldn't say that to Morrell without landing herself in the office she was currently sitting for multiple future sessions which was something that the brunette wanted to avoid, so instead, she responded with,
"I have a therapist"

Morrell said nothing, just waited for Rory to continue, which she did.

"I've been seeing her for three years, three times a week" Rory informed the woman bluntly.

"I see"

"No, you don't see" Rory shrugged,
"I don't need to be here because I'm already in therapy and the only reason I'm here is because you work for my grandfather and this way my deranged family have a hand in my therapy – also, I don't see how you being a French teacher, makes you a qualified therapist"

"I'm not a therapist, Aurora, I'm a guidance counsellor" Ms Morrell corrected the girl softly.

"Well, I don't need guidance from you"

Rory stood from her chair and swung her bag over her shoulder, turning to head for the door without looking back, but stopping when Ms Morrell called out,
"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any"

Rory frowned slightly before glancing back at the guidance counsellor,
"That's an Alice Walker quote"

"That it is" Ms Morrell nodded,
"You don't have to come back here, Aurora, but if you ever want someone new to talk to, my door is always open"

Rory gave the woman a small, distracted nod before she walked away – why the hell had Ms Morrell given her a quote about power?

The Argent household was eerily silent as the shouting had just stopped – the only people that were home at that time were Allison and Aurora Argent. Gerard was already at the school in preparation for the lacrosse game and Chris had ducked out earlier without explanation, just saying he'd be back soon.

If you'd asked Allison, they'd started arguing because Rory was being naïve and ignorant.

And if you'd asked Aurora, they'd started arguing because Allison was taking her vendetta against Derek Hale to a whole other level by going after every werewolf in sight, even if they were just kids – and Allison needed to find a way to deal with her mother's death.

The front door slammed harshly as the younger of the pair stormed out, brushing past her uncle who watched her go in concern, even calling out to her as she went, but just got a blast of uncomfortably cold wind as she tore out of the driveway in her car.

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