Chapter 13- It's Your Problem Not Mine... Maybe.

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Your P.O.V

"Oh, hey...." Felix simply said, obviously he doesn't want to cause a scene here. "(Y/N), need some help here." He whispered to me. I really want to help but my instincts tell to back off, it's not good for me to dive in. My mind is confused right now. Pewds or... my instincts? Actually, I'd rather pick my instincts. They are always right.

"How's life without me? Is it FUN? Please share it with me, I'm curious." Marzia said with an annoying stress at the word 'fun'. Why, why here? Felix didn't answer. "Well, how about your new FRIEND? Is it you Miss (Y/N)? Oh my gosh, I've never thought I'll meet you here in this situation." She added. Somehow, I want her to shut up. Felix approached Marzia and grabbed her arm and he whispered something. Felix dragged Marzia out of the building, leaving the crowd speechless and their jaw dropped. I'll give them some quality time with each other while I'm gonna set their attention to something. "Bros, want to give me something to sign?" I said as calmly as I can. They automatically drew their attention to me anyway, like nothing happened.

(A/N: I'm not going to switch point of views to Felix to make this story somehow thrilling.)

"So bros, what do you expect to appear on my channel right now? I'm adding in new content." I asked them.

"Can you add some vlogs?" One said. Oh golly, not vlogs.
(A/N: I kinda hate vlogs I'm so sorry. I get bored easily when I watch one)

"Uhhhh... I'm not sure. Vlogging is not my type, I'm so sorry." I calmly said. The one who asked it frowned. I guess she like vloggers a lot, I'm not a vlogger myself.

"Play more games with Pewds!" A boy shouted. "It depends on Pewds... I don't want to mingle with his channel a lot. It's his, not mine." I said. "It's okay for me if I see your face on every Pewdie's vids!" He responded, following by the crowd agreeing.

Well, I didn't notice the couple was staring at me for a long time. I saw Marzia's face, it was a mess. What happened? Just when I noticed the two, Marzia immediately walked away leaving Felix behind, emotionless.

Gonna talk to him later.

We're finally at home.

"Felix." I called.

"What happened?"


"Felix, answer me."



"Going to do what? You can't convince her in any way possible." He finally spoke. "Be happy, because the promise I've said to you at my birthday celebration last time finally happened." He added.

What. A promise?

"What are you talking about? You didn't promised anything about this."

"You know what I'm talking about (your last name), you f-ing know."

I can't remember anything. Felix left me speechless.

"Try to f-ing remember so you can finally understand all this s-t."


Oh golly, what did I do to Felix? This is the first time I've seen him like this. This is the first time I've been this angry.

I didn't wished this for him last October. What the hell was he saying? I can't understand him. All I wished was to make him happy...

I... Wished?

What did...

Oh my freaking smorgastarta.

He read it, he read my freaking diary.

"I knew it!" I shouted. Throwing all the things that I'm holding at the wall. "My diary is not here!" I said in frustration.

"But how?"

I dug my face in my hands in shame. Some part of my diary there was written a year ago that I want Pewds to be mine. Why did I wrote that anyway? I'm such a jerk!

But.... That's the truth eh? All entries written in my diary are pure truths. No smudge of lies are found. I'm completely sure. I've never written a new entry there since I've left the house of my parents. I just took it with me for safe keeping.

But I never expected that my diary, my bestfriend, will also make my future broke-

No. Not broken, ALMOST broken.

I'll fix this mess.


Hai again gaiz!

I present to you.... A chapter without a freaking cliffhanger! Isn't that great? I'm being inspired right now so BE HAPPY. *evil laughs*

Gaiz, gaiz, GAIZ! Thanks for the praises and support you gave me recently! I've never believed that my fic will be a hit. Now I'm thinking that it is because it's a PewDiePie x reader fic. If this wasn't one maybe it won't hit much. If you guys weren't here, then this fic wont be existing in the internet world.


By the way, I really, really want to respond to your comments but my Wattpad app is buggy lately and I don't know why. If I'm commenting on something, it says some weird things. Seriously.

So anyways, vote and comment if you liked this chapter! I really, really appreciate it!

Stay extraordinary Prismatics! :D

-Kuuinimei <3

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