[01] Fallin' All In You

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01. Fallin' All In You

A feeling of something touching her face wakes Jennie up. She cracks her eyes open slowly to see the sunlights entering the room. She moves her gaze to the man who was laying below her and playing with her hair now. 

"Good morning." His husky voice makes her sighs. She slowly becomes aware of his hand that lazily moves on her back while the other still playing with her hair.

"What time is it?" Jennie hummed while closing her eyes again.

"7 AM. Time to wake up?" 

"Hmm... can we just lay like this forever?" She moves to snuggle more at the man. He smells amazing, always makes her relax with his soft scents of freshness.

"Jen, you know we can't. It's not in-"

"Our agreement. Yeah, yeah, Tae, I know." Jennie pouts and moves to leave the bed. Taehyung watches her walks to the bathroom before joins her to brush their teeth. This kind of morning is the usual for them for about 2 months now. Jennie washes her mouth for the last time then grins at Taehyung who also just finished brushing his teeth

"I'm done!! Now let's have breakfast!" Jennie walks out of the bathroom but she being pulled back by Tae into his arms.

"Not that fast, where's my usual greeting?" He pouts at her.

"Hmm?? What is Taehyung-ssi means??" Jennie teases him which only makes him pouts more. She laughs. "Yes, yes, here your good morning." She pecks his lips only for a second. "Done."

"That's too short!! More~~!"

"Fine fine." She gives him several kisses on his lips with exaggerated sounds. "Muach, muach. Okay? That's already more than ten times."

"Hehehe, come on let's have breakfast." Taehyung holds Jennie's hand to his kitchen. Jennie immediately moves smoothly in his kitchen, and that's another view that he really enjoys. "What are you going to make?"

"Pancakes? It's fast and easy. Because I have to leave in about 40 minutes." Jennie glances at the man who sit on the bar watching her cook. Looking at him watching her cooks like this makes her happy. 

"You have Music Core today, right?"


"Won't you be tired for MMA after performing there?" Taehyung asks again when she put the his pancakes in front of him.

"Naah, I'll be fine. Beside you'll be at MMA. So I'm going to be very energized knowing you'll see me perform." Jennie gives her wink at Taehyung who was clicking his tongue.

"Woman, stop with that cheesy lines." Jennie laughs before focusing on her breakfast. Both of them enjoy the comfortable silent. Jennie glances at the clock on the wall. 7.40.

"Well, time for me to get ready now." She stands up.

"I'll wash the dishes." Taehyung takes her plate while she went to the bedroom. Taehyung sits on his couch just look at the tv screen blankly. 

Not long Jennie walks out from the bedroom already fresh from the shower with her jacket covering half of her face. A medium size bag was on her shoulder, containing her sleepwear. She opens her smaller bag that was on the table in front of the couch. She checks her phone to see if there's any important messages or not. 

"Time to go." Jennie looks up to Taehyung who was watching her. He glances at the clock. Seven fifty-five. She put on her sneakers and when done she stands up to Taehyung already stands behind her. 

"It's still 7.57." 

"So?" Jennie smiles at him.

"Let me hug you." Taehyung snakes his arms on Jennie's waist and pulls her closer. They just stand there at his front door, enjoying the hug. Suddenly a vibrate can be felt from Jennie's phone. 

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