[02] Groupie Love

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02. Groupie Love (got a bit *ehem* sexy *ehem* scene)

You're in the bar, playin' guitar
I'm tryin' not to let the crowd next to me
It's so hard sometimes with the star
When you have to share him with everybody

"Welcome to Pantera Light. Tonight as you all know we have a special guest that has been booming for a while. Give it up to Kim Taehyung!!" The crowds roar excitedly including me. I feel people pushing behind me. Finally you are on the stage. You look as good as 2 days ago when I watched you perform at the neighboring city. Being the front row gives me privileges to see how the lights make your skin glows beautifully and  when you sweep your gaze to the crowds and meet mine makes me shivers in excitement.

"Hello everyone!!" You greet the crowds, I scream as soon as I hear your voice. "Wow, full house today, huh? It's been a while since I perform here maybe around 3 months? I've been performing here and there so it's great to be back at my hometown." You chuckle.

 I can hear lots of women scream your name so you can notice them. Fuck, your fanclub getting bigger, I'm happy but at the same time I don't want to share you with more people. 

"I spot some familiar faces from other cities. Thank you for supporting me. Now without further ado this is the first song. Get You." I scream when the music start. You hold the mic stand and start singing. Your deep voice fills the venue, lights flicker following the beat. I move my body to the song.

You're in the club, livin' it up
I'm tryin' not to let the crowd notice me
It's so sweet, swingin' to the beat
When I know that you're doin' it all for me

"Everything I need's between those thighs
Every time I look into your eyes I see it
You're all I need"

My eyes lock with your eyes when you sing that lines. I shudder because how sexy you look with that hooded gaze, slow beats on the background and your husky voice. 

"SHIT HE LOOKS AT ME." I heard a girl beside me exclaim to her friend.

"He obviously looking at me, bitch." Her friend replies. I ignore them all because I know you are looking at me. I know you know I love you, can it be you love me too? It's already been several times we locked our gaze whenever you sang on the stage.

I smile widely thinking what if you perform this for me? And maybe you love me back after all.

And every time you look up
I know what you're thinkin' of
I know what you're thinkin' of

I remember the song set list as good as I remember my own name. You always sing to your fullest. And the last song, is your best one. Sweats glimmer on your neck when you throw your head up to the sky as if you reach the climax.

Time after time, writin' my lines
Havin' my baby there next to me
It's so sweet, pourin' you a drink
And pretendin' that nothin' means anything

I reply a message from Jisoo, my best friend, who keep wondering where the hell I be. I put my phone back after she replies me with an ok. I look around to see some familiar faces dancing to the music. I watch the bartender moving around in front of me before handing me my drinks. 

"Thanks." I nod my head at him. I sip the liquor slowly. I keep replaying the moment when my gaze with you. I feel excitement rushing in my veins.

"You're here again." I look to my right and see you sitting on the stool beside me. "Cognac." You order to the bartender before looking back to me. You give me your boxy smile that makes me love you even more. "How's my performance?"

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