Smile (SoraXReader)

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"It's useless, Sora. I'm useless." You sighed in defeat as your keyblade vanished. You sulked into a nearby chair and held your face in your hands. No matter how hard you trained, you felt that there was no way you were getting better. You felt helpless. You wanted to help your boyfriend Sora, not hold him back.

"[Y/N], you're not useless." Sora sat next to you and angled his head to look you in the eyes. You turned the other way. "[Y/N]?" You turned your body away from Sora in your chair. You could hear him sigh. "I just want you to be happy."

"I just want to not hold you back." You sulked further into your seat. Sora looked at you. It hurt him to see you this sad.

"That's it, we're gonna make you smile." Sora stood up then walked in front of you. He took one of your hands to help you stand up.

"Where are we going?" You asked.

"There are a few things I can think of that always make me we're gonna try every one until you do!" Sora interlocked his fingers with yours then led you away to the gummiship.


"Here you are, m'lady." Sora said as he handed you an ice cream.

"Is this sea salt?" You asked. You licked it to find out that it indeed was sea salt ice cream. You continued to eat it in silence. Sora sighed yet again that day as you didn't smile from his favorite ice cream.

"Still nothing?" He asked after the two of you had finished your frozen treat. Your shook your head no. You turned away from Sora.

"I'm fine, Sora. I don't have to smile." You looked to the ground.

"Nope! Not an option!" He shouted as he took your hand. "Back to the gummiship!"


"How about this?" Sora asked as he held a Moogle in front of you.

"Let me go, Kupo!" It frantically thrashed around in Sora's hands. You felt sorry for the poor thing.

"Sora, let it go!" You exclaimed.

"But it's so cute!"

"Let him go! This is Mooglenapping!" Sora sighed in defeat then pouted as he let the Moogle go.

"The nerve of some Kupos!" It exclaimed as it flew away from you two angrily.

"Back to the gummiship..."


"[Y/N], this is my friend Pooh. Pooh, this is my girlfriend [Y/N]." Sora introduced you to his furry friend inside of a storybook.

"Why hello there [Y/N], it's nice to meet you. Happy Windsday." Pooh extended a paw for you to shake. You gently shook it.

"Oh hi Pooh, Sora, and somebody-I-don't-know." You watched as a donkey with a pink bow on its tail approached you, Sora, and Pooh. "What a horrible Windsday." He said as he sulked.

"Why hello there Eeyore." Pooh greeted his friend.

"I'm glad you brought me here, Sora." Your boyfriend looked to you in excitement, waiting for a smile. "I can really relate with Eeyore here."

Sora sulked along with Eeyore. "I guess it's back to the gummiship again."


"This is the final thing I can think of, [Y/N]." Sora led you to the sitting palm tree back in Destiny Islands. He guided you to sit down. "I need you to close your eyes."

You put your hands over your eyes. "Okay, they're closed."

"No peeking!" He said. You could hear some rustling and the tree move a little bit. Sora grunted a few times as the tree shook some more. "Okay, you can open them now!"

You opened your eyes to see Sora sitting next to you with a paopu fruit. He took a bite out of one corner then handed it to you.

"Your turn!" You took a tiny bite out of the star shaped fruit. You handed it back to Sora and smiled. "YES! IT WORKED!" He shouted to the skies. He took another bite out of the fruit then handed it to you again. The two of you kept this up until the fruit was done.

"Thanks, Sora." You said after it was done. Sora was twirling the leaf from the fruit in his fingers. You leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I guess I'm really important to you."

"Of course you are, that was the first time I've shared a paopu with anyone."

You smiled again.

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