Family (IsaXReaderXLea)

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A/N: Credit for this goes to the many tumblr artists who draw Sea Salt family artwork. This isn't based on any artwork, as that would be stealing, but my idea arose from seeing many cute and funny pieces. I might write more of these in the future because I like the concept.

Also check out my new story. It's about the boy next door, childhood friends, lost love, and boy bands. It's another KH reader-insert.


"Hey, [Y/N], I was wondering if I could go out with Namine for a girl's day?" Her big blue eyes glimmered up at you as you smiled. Xion had took to asking you for permission to go do things as Lea or Isa would usually refuse unless they could come along. You smiled down at the girl and nodded.

"Of course. Take care." You said before sending her off. She had a huge smile on her face as she thanked you and gathered her things for the gummi ship.

"Where is Xion going?" Isa asked as he came down the stairs.

"Out with Namine. [Y/N] said I could!" Xion called as she finished packing her things. She went to the door and waved as he hurried out before Isa could say another word. When she was gone he turned to you with a small scowl on his face.

"What?" You said in protest. "She has a keyblade! She'll be fine. Xion's just a kid who wants to have fun with her friends." You explained. Isa shook his head and opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by the other kid.

"[Y/N] can I go hang out with Hayner and Pence?" He asked. Again those puppy dog eyes gleamed up at you. You smiled and nodded.

"Sure. Be safe." You said. Roxas was excited as he grabbed his game controller from near the tv set and put it into a backpack. He also shoved a few games in there before going to the kitchen to find snacks.

"[Y/N] where's the-?" He called out, but you already knew that he was looking for chips.

"On top of the fridge next to the cereal!" You called out. You heard the crinkle of the bag as he shoved it into his backpack. He then came back into the living room and waved goodbye to you and Isa before going towards the door.

"Where is Roxas going?" You heard. Looking up, you saw Lea coming down the stairs.

"To hang out with Hayner and Pence. [Y/N] said I could!" Roxas said. "Bye!" The door shut behind him. Lea came over towards you and Isa, joining Isa's side.

"What?" You asked. The two looked upset. "They have keyblades! They'll be fine. They're not kids!" You protested.

"Xion and Roxas are about two years old." Isa said. You rolled your eyes.

"With the bodies of fifteen year olds!" You shouted.

"Xion is too cute. She's not safe in the world." Lea said. You sighed.

"We can't be overprotective parents or they'll hate us." You said. You sat down on the couch and put your face into your hands. "They see us as mom and dad."

"Wait who's the dad?" Lea asked. He walked over to the couch and sat down next to you. You shrugged your shoulders.

"Lea is the uncle. I'm the father." Isa said as he sat down on your other side. He smirked when Lea suddenly became jealous by that statement.

"What makes me the uncle? I'm the dad!" He exclaimed. You laughed as the two went back and forth coming up with reasons as to who would be the better dad.

"Do you help make dinner?" Isa asked.

"No, but I buy them ice cream." Lea said matter-of-factly.

"How very uncle of you." Isa smirked.

"Hey! I buy them whatever they want!" Lea gloated.

"Again, an uncle's job." Isa gave a chuckle.

"But I love [Y/N], so that makes me the perfect father!" Lea instantly covered his mouth after he realized what he had said. He looked to you then Isa back and forth a few times as his words set in.

After a moment, Isa scoffed. "I've loved her since the beginning." Lea's hand dropped to reveal an open mouth. He looked at Isa in disbelief.

"We're sisterwives!" He shouted. You let out a giggle. Then another. Until you burst out laughing at the two. Lea immediately began to apologize for what he said.

"I didn't mean it like that!"

Isa on the other hand was offended and made grumbling noises as he tried to come up with what to say. You continued to laugh as Lea apologized.

"You can both be the father." You said after a while, wiping a tear. The two men looked at each other then to back at you.

"I'm fine with that." Lea said, crossing his arms.

"I love her more." Isa said.

"Why you little-" Lea lunged for Isa and you began to laugh again when he missed. Isa had gotten up quickly to move out of the way. Lea face planted into the arm of the couch and rubbed his nose.

"Be careful or you'll hurt our wife!" Isa bent down to kiss you on the cheek. Your laughter immediately stopped as your face heated up.

"Sorry honey, didn't mean to hurt you." Lea got up to kiss your other cheek, not helping your situation.

"Does anyone want lunch?! I'm gonna go make lunch!" You got up to escape to the kitchen, leaving the two alone in the living room.

"I still love her more."


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