Flower (EphemerXReader)

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A/N: Finally some Ephemer content. Actually...finally some keyblade war character content. Maybe I'll write something for Luxu next.

This is an AU by the way. Modern times. Sorry it's so short.


Ava walked up the stairs to the courtyard. She took in the breeze as it hit her face. There was a fountain in the courtyard. On the other side she could see someone sitting. She walked closer to the fountain to see that it was one of her friends, Ephemer. He looked troubled as his body began to slump forward.

"Ephemer, what's wrong?" Ava asked. She sat next to her friend and put a hand on his back. He immediately straightened out from hunching over. He didn't look up, but continued to stare at the ground.

"I'm confused." He started. "Girls are unpredictable." You sighed at the ground.

Ava giggled. "Just who are you talking about?" She asked. She inched closer as it was hard to hear the boy when he was sulking.

"It's [Y/N]. I'm not sure if you know her, but we're almost always together. I want to give her a token of my affection...but when I asked her what kind of presents she likes...well, she said she didn't have any." Ephemer explained.

"Nonsense." Ava said. "All girls like flowers." She smiled, hoping Ephemer would see it. He looked up, his face suddenly very interested.

"What kind of flowers?" He asked. He suddenly seemed like a lost puppy who had found its way. Ava was glad that she could help her friend.

"Any kind. Daisies, roses, lilies, any flower. Any color. White, red, pink, any color. It's up to you, really. There's a lot to choose from. Go with whatever your heart tells you." Ava put a hand over her heart for emphasis. Ephemer's face lit up.

"You're right, Ava." He stood up. "Thank you." He said before finally taking off.

"Oh, to be in love."


"[Y/N]!" Ephemer said as he spotted you at your locker. He carefully hid the flowers behind his back as he approached you. He made sure to be very careful.

"Ephemer!" You said as you spotted your friend coming closer. You smiled, then continued to rummage through your locker for what you needed. You put your books away and pulled out your lunch. You closed your locker to find Ephemer standing in its place. "What is it?" You asked.

His smile didn't show signs on ever disappearing as he brought out the bouquet of [Favorite Flowers]. "Tada!" He said as he handed them to you. You grabbed them in shock.

"What's this for?" You asked. You sniffed the arrangement then smiled at the aroma. You looked back up to Ephemer, waiting for an answer.

"Flowers for my flower!" He beamed.

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