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Coca finds herself drenched in blood, her kyoketsu-shoge's chain hanging around her neck, the double edged blade dangling on her right side while the metal ring is on her left, also covered in blood.
She finds herself stumbling, drained of all energy from the night she just experienced. Her face not showing any type of emotion, because as of now she had no emotions. And maybe she never had any emotions to begin with, because she knew what she had done hadn't affected her.
And what she had done was something that wasn't virtuous and can never be forgiven.
Coca makes her way through the crowd, Marcus crashing into her and she gives him a smile and a wink. He looks at her in confusion as he continues to run, he doesn't know who she is but she knows who he is.
The officers pursuing Marcus make their way to. She lifts her hand and throws the white powder into their faces and in the air as she dances to make it seem accidental. She is then quick to blend into the crowd as she dances away from them.
Billy goes skating next to her when she begins to quickly walk away from the crowd. A smile now on her face as they make a turn into an alley and are alone. They both come to a stop and Coca goes to lean against the wall.
"Want some?" Coca asks as she pulls out the small bag and dips her pinkie into the white powder, going and rubbing it on her gums which causes her mouth to go numb.
Billy simply smiles at her and moves closer to her, Coca smiles at him as she dips her pinkie in the bag again. She moves closer to Billy, their bodies rubbing against each other as she goes to put the drug on his gums. Her pinkie going and slowly touching his bottom lip as she moves it away from his mouth.
Billy's lips move close to Coca's, both of them simply staring at one another. The noise from the celebration of Día De Los Muertos getting louder, but both of them ignore it.
"What the hell are you two just standing around for?" Willie asks angrily as he comes up to them. He's quick to grab Coca's arm and pull her away. "Let's go, we don't have time for you two to play that stupid little game of will they won't they."
Coca simply smiles at Willie as Billy follows behind the two. She leans in close to Willie wrapping her arm around him as they continue walking, whispering in his ear, "Aye Papasito, tell me again how is Brandy Lynn doing?"
Willie looks at her angrily as he shoves her away. "Last time I tell you shit."
Coca lets out an amused laugh as she says, "That's what you always say."