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Here's the third chapter of my story, I hope you enjoy it and let me know your thoughts :)

June 16th, 2017

It was 8 am that next morning.

Dylan had his uniform on and walked into the local McDonalds to work.

Not many people knew he was an employer of this company, frankly he didn't really want people to know. Most youtubers make all their money off their videos alone, but he had to get another job to pay the bills.

So what was the first job he thought to apply to? Not McDonalds. It was originally Starbucks but they didn't need any new workers. What was next you may ask? Not McDonalds. It was his local grocery store. But the only open slot was janitor duty, which he wasn't willing to do.

After that was finally McDonalds. It wasn't a terrible job. He worked at the front Cash Register for 5-6 hours, 4 days a week.

He also made two friends.

There was this african american man named Kevin Burns whom made the food at the grill in the back. He was very muscular but under that was a softy. Dylan learned quickly he had a soft spot for animals and his family.

There was also a girl named Samantha Redding whom worked at the Register next to him. She had light brown hair, a heart shaped face, and was a little on the short side. Dylan saw her throw sass on anyone who tried screwing her over and he liked that she had a tight edge.

They were both pretty nice and he liked their company and always ate with them on breaks.

But Dylan didn't feel like himself today. He tried to play it off.

As soon as he walked in, Kevin and Samantha spotted him come through the back door. They walked over to him as he waved tiredly.

"Yo Dylan!" Kevin called coming over.

Dylan yawned, "Hey Kevin, hey Sam." He rubbed his eyes.

Samantha raised an eyebrow, "Are you good, Dill Pickle?"

That was a name she thought of to call him. He always thought it was funny, but not now.

He lied, "I'm fine, I just didn't get enough sleep last night."

Kevin and Sam looked at each other, it was bluntly obvious he was fibbing.

The big man crossed his arms, "What's up?"

Dylan looked down, "It''s nothing. I'm fine."

Sam spoke, "Really? Dylan-,"

He snapped.

"Can you guys just stop asking me? I told you I was fine, alright?! Leave me alone."

Dylan pushed himself away from the two and headed for the swipe in machine.

He had to go to work.


After a while of standing at the counter, guilt began to eat away at him.

Did he have to yell at them?

Was that too much?

He groaned, "fu€k."

"Hey, watch your language, Matthews."

Dylan sighed, "Sorry, Mr. Stevens."

That was his manager. A cheapskate.

"Get back to work and stop dozing off on the job."

"Sorry, Mr. Stevens."

"If I see you doing that sort of thing again I'll-,"

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