Cheering Up

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Here's the next chapter! I hope you enjoy it and your thoughts are always appreciated! :)

June 20th, 2017

Dylan took a bite of his baloney and cheese sandwich looking through his social media feed in the McDonalds breakroom.

His mind kept going back to last night.

What Julia said.

"A job shouldn't be something that gives you joy. If you don't have a serious point of view of your career, you can never have a stable lifestyle. It doesn't work like that. It always has been that way."

The way she looked at him when he said he was a youtuber;



Like he was stupid,

He couldn't get it out of his head.

Was being a youtuber holding him back?

No one wants to start a life with someone who doesn't have a stable lifestyle.

It's always been like that.

Dylan sighed.

Suddenly, Kevin and Samantha walked in laughing, holding their lunches.

"And that's how I proposed to her!"

"Kevin, no way that happened!!"

"It did I'm serious!"

Sam stopped laughing as soon as she saw Dylan sitting quietly by himself.

"You okay, Dill?"

He looked at her, "Yeah, I'll get over it."

Dylan told them earlier that the date didn't work out.

They were very supportive and he was thankful for that.

Kevin patted his back, "That's the spirit. You're too good for her."

"No, she was too good for me. You should've seen her. She was acting as if the whole world was wrapped around her finger," he rolled his eyes, "Whatever. I'm over her. A pretty face is all she was."

Samantha leaned back in her chair, "Most of them are...," she glanced at Dylan, "Anyways, let's look at the positives; you're turning 26 tomorrow!"

Dylan was caught off guard.

He totally forgot about his birthday!

All this girl drama clouded it from his memory.

How did Sam remember though?

"$h!t, I totally forgot about it.."

"What are you going to do to celebrate?" Kevin asked.

"I have no idea actually...maybe just stay home?"

The girl gasped, "No way, Dill. Your birthday is only once a year; you gotta at least do something!"

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