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Here the fourth chapter to this story! Hope you enjoy and please fill free to give your thoughts! I'd really appreciate it :)

June 17th, 2017

Dylan rang the doorbell.

Ding Dong.

He backed up slowly, feeling nervous.

It's been a day since he attempted to meditate, which was a failed plan. Now he was standing on the steps of Samantha Redding's home to receive her help to get Jasmine out of his mind.

He heard footsteps.

The door slowly opened.

Sam's head poked out of the door. She smiled.


Dylan smirked a her, "Heyyyy."

The girl opened the door fully, revealing her pjs; a pink long sleeve shirt and purple sweatpants. She wore her hair in braids and her glasses instead of contacts.

"Come on in, Dill."

And so he did.

As soon as he stepped into the building, he noted her obsession with all things cat.

She had a generic looking living room; however, she had alot of cat trinkets laying around, as well as an actual cat sitting on the sofa.

"Wow, you really like cats, don't you?"

Sam laughed a little, "I guess...my mom always loved cats."


Did her mom...?

Dylan rubbed his arm, "Oh, Sam..I-,"

Sam stopped him, "No its okay.. It was a while ago. Everything is alright now."

She was smiling so Dylan decided to believe her.

Samantha led him to her bedroom.

It was pretty tidy. Dylan always appreciated clean bedrooms.

Sam sat down at a table and turned on her computer.

Dylan sat on her bed, "What are we doing?"

"We're going to get you a girlfriend."


"A dating website, duhh."

Sam logged into the computer.

Dylan gulped, "A dating website?"

He's never used those before.

"Yeah, we're going to use Tinder."

Oh great.

Dylan was never a fan of dating websites or apps. He's always thought of those as shady and harder to get to know a person. Face to face connection was always something he was used to.

But now he tried pushing that thought out.

He needed a girlfriend. And fast.

This was his way to do that.

Sam was now on the website, "Okay, let's get this started."

They soon worked on his information:
-username; Dylan Matthews
-password; TR0U13LE
-his birthday; June 21st, 1991
-his gender; Male
-a profile picture;

Sam smirked, "What are we going to do for your profile picture?"

Dylan shrugged, "No idea, just as long as I don't look like a dork."

"Well then...we gotta find one where you look more pleasant than usual."

He looked at her in surprise, "What are you talking about? I'm a pretty strapping young man."

He made a manly pose and Sam laughed, "Yeah whatever you say."

She folded her arms, "Find something on your phone."

"Alrighty...how about this one?"

"What is that?! Next!"

"What do you mean?! That's a good one."

"Nooo, next!"

He found a different one.

"How bout this?"

Samantha looked at it and grinned, "Perfect!"

Then she synced the photo to the computer and pasted it;

Then she synced the photo to the computer and pasted it;

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Sam smiled at it, "You like really happy there."

Dylan smiled too, "Yeah..now what do we do?"

She pulled up the next slide, "Now make your bio."


Sam gave the keyboard to Dylan and he began to type;

Hey everybody, I'm just a 25 year old dude from Wisconsin looking for a girl to call my own. Hit me up if you want to chat :)

Sam gave him a side eye, "Dang Dylan, I see you!"

Dylan rubbed his neck nervously, "I guess haha."

"Would you like to look for some tinder girls?"

He wasn't really sure what he wanted. He wanted love, but through tinder?

He sighed.

He's not having as much luck his normal route.

Why not give this a shot?

Dylan nodded, "Sure."

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