Truth or Dare?

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Hey guys heres the next chapter feel free to give your thoughts I love them! Hope you enjoy! Sorry for slow updates.

June 27, 2006

"Stop stop!"

"It hurts to breathe!"

The cackling of teenage girls filled the bedroom as they huddled around one another.

"Ew, that was nasty!" One girl cried, trying to scrub the hot sauce off her tongue.

It was 11 o clock that summer night of '06 and the five senior high girls were having a sleepover.


She looked up, pushing her short brown hair from her hazel eyes. She was staring at the novel she was reading on the floor.

It was Pennellope Walker who spoke her name. She had a smug grin on her face as all eyes fell on her.

"Truth or dare?"

Samantha Redding, a junior in high school, was the shy one out of her friend group. She was on the introverted side and didn't like involving herself in late night events. But Penny had invited her to come to her birthday bash and wouldn't have wanted to say no...

"..I don't think I'm going to play."

"Oh come on, Samantha," Gigi Gallagher persisted, "It's all in good fun."

"Yeah," Clementine Fowly chimed in.

"Truth or dare, Sam?" Penny asked again.

It was silent as they awaited the girl's reply. She did not want to be there at that moment. What could she do? How could she get out of this?

She couldn't.

Sam shut her book but held it tightly in her lap, "Truth."

They all looked at each other.

Jillian Green whispered something in Penny's ear. A smirk creeped up her friend's face, making the shy one tense.

Pennellope locked eyes with Sam once more and asked, "How long have you had a crush on Tommy Fletcher?"

Samantha's face turned straight crimson.



"I told you that in confidence! You weren't supposed to tell a soul."

Jillian shrugged, "But we're all friends, right? You can trust them."

Could she?

"Well? How long have you liked him?"

Sam looked down at her toes and the cuffs of her purple pajama pants. She adjusted her square glasses and mumbled, "I guess since April."

She didn't want to talk about it anymore. She wanted to sleep or go home. But her body was planted in her spot.

Clem smirked, "OOOO!"

"Samantha and Tommy sitting in a tree," they all shouted at the top of their lungs, "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!"

Make it stop.

"Gigi, it's your turn to ask me," Penny said with a wink.

"Alright," the other girl grinned as if she was the Grinch, "truth or dare."

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