Chapter 4: Waking up

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*kristen wakes up to the sound of the birds chirping and peace and quietness* What time is it?? *she picks up her phone and it says 7:45* I need to get my ass up so I can go to LA.. I wonder if Michael sent my ticket yet. *She checks her email, to realize he sent it lastnight, she exits out of her email to call her modeling agency* Hello Mrs. Jackson, how are you this morning? I'm well, and you? Oh I'm doing splendid! We have a photoshoot booked for you today, for a sports illustrated magazine! Isn't that exciting?! *Kristen is quiet* Yes that's amazing! But unfortunately I won't be able to make it. WHY NOT?! Kristen we worked our ass off to get you on the list! *kristen snaps* And y'all are gonna work y'all asses off to reschedule it too! I have not seen my family in almost a whole month! And I'm going to LA in about an hour. So I'm calling to tell you guys I'm gonna be gone for a couple of days. And If you guys can't accept that then I'm sure I can find a new modeling agency *kristen sits down on her bed calmly* We understand but- *kristen cuts them off* Well maybe I'll let my husband talk to you guys so he can tell y'all how he really feels *The agency gets really nervous and quiet* NO, mrs. Jackson, it's 100% fine! Enjoy your vacation *kristen hangs up smiling, and jumps out of bed to start packing before she leaves, she hops in the nice hot shower, and throws on her sweats, and heads out the hotel door, when she does, she runs into Elijah* Oh shit! *kristen said with her eyes big* You scared the shit out of me! Hahaha . Oh my god, kristen I'm sorry haha . *he looks at her and notices her bags* Where you going all in a rush? *kristen laughs nervously* We can talk while I take these bags to the car because their pretty heavy! *Elijah reaches for the bags* No! No, elijah it's fine, I got it. *elijah takes the bags out of her hands* No, kristen I insist, it's the gentleman thing to do *he walks to her limo* Haha, you sound like my husband.. *elijah laughed* Your married?? *kristen nodded* To the greatest man who ever lived, literally *elijah looks stunned* Who the hell are you married too?! Elvis Presley?! *kristen chuckled* No. I think Michael is better.. *elijah agreed* Oh hell yea, Michael Jackson is awesome! He's the greatest entertainer! *Kristen smirks* And the greatest husband... *elijah drops the bags in the trunk* Michael Jackson is your husband???!!! *kristen laughed* Yes, and I'm gonna be late for my flight so I'll see later! *kristen runs in the limo and takes off* What a lucky guy *elijah whispers*

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