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Before we start, I'll just clarify some things. The Adoption AU is a series of stories created by the user marehami in collaboration with Keleficent. They're AU follows the Pines family in a hypothetical timeline where the twin's parents are killed in a car accident on their 13th birthday. Now orphans, Stan takes the twins in and the AU follows him and Ford going from being the twin's grunkles to adoptive fathers and help the two deal with the grief and live their lives. Throughout the AU, the twins (especially Mabel) go through some very scary and VERY REAL-life issues, often to very near relatable levels for some.

Back in June of 2018, Marehami asked of I wanted to Beta read for her new story titled Falling Slowly, a sort of spin off from the main AU. That story saw the eventual death of Mabel Pines in an AU to the AU.

I wrote an alternative story to it which saw Mabel coming back through more "Gravity Falls like" ways, a break away from the AU's more realistic feel. But I felt that I wanted to look beyond and continue the main story as there is so much more potential in it.

This story is set 7 years after the events of chapter 24 of Falling Slowly. Dipper is married to Wendy has a daughter who he named Mabel in loving memory of his late sister.

Now I know some people are not big fans of Dipper x Wendy. I'm one of them. But out of respect for Marehami's creative decision to have the two be together in her AU which this story is based off, I have used that aspect. Please note that if you don't ship it, that's fine. But please don't make a huge fuss about it. We've both worked really hard on this story and I'd rather you, dear reader, focus on the main story rather than who Dipper is married to. It's a FANFIC FFS OKAY!

That being said, I wanna give a huge thank you to Marehami herself for being my beta reader again. She did a lot of editing to help improve this story and I have to give her a huge chunk of the credit. I may have written and come up with this idea and plot, but she made it better. and more enjoyable.

Now with that all said and done, please enjoy the story. 

-ThatGFFAN :)

She WAS My Sister (an Adoption AU story)Where stories live. Discover now