Chapter 6: Epilogue: Remembering Mabel

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2 Months later

No matter the age, August is always a time for change. The leaves begin to change colour, children change grade levels in preparation for their return to school, and for Dipper, August brought a change in his age.

That first birthday without Mabel was the hardest. Even harder than the first one he had after his parent's death. He had tried to have birthdays again. His friends had tried, his family had tried, but for him, it just wasn't a birthday without Mabel. As with any pair of twins, a birthday without your other half is just not a birthday at all.

Dipper awoke on August 31st, as he had done every year since then. He looked out the window and stared out at the trees as they blew in the breeze. Soon Wendy was up too.

"Happy birthday, Dip," she said.

Dipper smiled back, "Thanks. But you say that every year. I've always wondered why you do?" 

"Well obviously. It's your birthday after all. You say it to me when it's mine," replied Wendy.

"I know. But, then, you know I haven't had a truly happy birthday in years...." Dipper replied sadly.

Wendy gave him a hug, "Hey, one day you have to enjoy it. I mean when I lost my mom, her birthday became not a day of mourning but a celebration of her life. Your birthday should be a day like that too. I mean we both lost one or both of our parents at an age far too young for a child to lose them after all," said Wendy.

"And our Mabel lost the chance to ever experience having grandparents..." said Dipper.

The two sat in silence for a while.

"Sorry," said Dipper, "I know you meant well."

 "Hey, it's okay," she said, "How about I go downstairs and get breakfast ready. Whether today is a happy day or not, it's still a day, and breakfast can only help."

Dipper sat there on his bed. He looked at the wall and at the photos of the four generations of families he had come to know in his life. Him, Mabel and his parents. Him, Mabel, Grunkle Stan and Ford. Him, Grunkle Stan and Ford after Mabel's death. And now him, Wendy and his daughter which he had named after his late sister.

His thoughts were however, interrupted by Wendy yelling from below.

"Uh, Dipper! You gotta get down here quickly," she yelled.

Though Dipper did not sense any fear in her voice, he ran as fast as he could down the stairs and into the kitchen. There, him and Wendy were met with the most incredible of sights.

There on the table was a breakfast unlike any other they both had seen. Pancakes, bacon, omelettes, fresh bagels, you name it. Along with that, in the middle of it all was a cake. Dipper walked over to it and looked at it. He was overcome with emotions when he did.

"Happy birthday Dipper and Mabel," it read. 

In the middle of it was a photo of him and his departed sister from childhood.

He couldn't believe it.

"Oh, hey dudes. You're up," said Soos as he walked into the kitchen.

Dipper and Wendy looked back at him.

"Did...did you and Melody make this," asked Wendy.

"Oh no, dude. Pacifica came by and delivered it earlier this morning. Happy birthday by the way," replied Soos.

"Wait, you ordered this for us?" Dipper asked.

"Again, no. It was Mabel. She told me to keep it a secret from you two dudes," responded Soos.

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