Author's note

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Thank you so much for reading She WAS my Sister. If you've made it this far, let me say that you, dear reader are the reason why I write. Your kindness and perseverance to read my goofy stories no matter what the plot, is what drives me to keep writing. And after the writer's block I had, it means so much more.

And if you were able to look past the shipping matter without complaining, thank you even more. Shipping is an insane fandom thing and while some will get butthurt if their OTP is not in it, others can respect that choice and I'm grateful if you were able to.

The success this story has had in just the few days it's been out has astonished me. I'm truly touched by how much love and support you've given it. I know it was a heartbreaking story and here on Wattpad, a place where shipping fanfics and GF sequel stories are the norm, the fact you all gave this, a different type of story a chance, it really made me smile.

And this was not just a That GF FAN story. A huge thank you goes to my co author and beta reader, marehami on She not only made this AU and the story this is a sequel to, she gave me a chance to really grow and learn how to be a better writer and a better story teller. For that, I can't thank her enough. If you're on fanfiction, do go give her stories a read and also Keleficent's. She and marehami are the real brains behind the bulk of this AU. 

So, what's next. In total honesty, I don't know. I have some plans for a new story and also a bunch of light hearted short stories as part of a bigger project I'm working on. I have no idea when that will be ready but as of now, not until at least next year ;)

Thank you everyone once again for reading She WAS My Sister. It really means a lot.

From me and marehami,

Thank you :)

May all of you have a safe and happy new year ahead.

-HK That GF FAN 

-HK That GF FAN 

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