Chapter 1: Who was Mabel

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Time has a strange way of bringing tales from the past back into the present. Often, they're tales we'd never want to tell again. Stories we would rather have be lost to time. But as it often is, the harder you keep a story hidden from someone, the more that person will attempt to find the answers. Just ask Dipper Pines.

Now 46, he never let go of the fact he has lived 32 of those years without his beloved twin sister. Until the day she died, he thought learning of his parents' deaths on their thirteenth birthday had been the worst day of his life. He lost Ford only 7 years ago, and 5 years before that, he had lost Stan. But in a way, he felt that Mabel hadn't left him. And the birth of his own daughter had cemented that belief.

Lovingly named after his sister by him and Wendy, Mabel had grown up quite a lot in the last twelve years. She had Dipper's smarts and was always curious. She had Wendy's rugged and self reliant nature and always would have the brawn solution to a problem if brains would not work. And, like her namesake, she had the outgoing, loving and caring personality of Mabel. As well as the sweet tooth.

Dipper knew it was only a matter of time before Mabel would learn who she was named after. He both feared and anticipated that day. Maybe it was Wendy's way of keeping the family photo albums hidden or of her keeping silent on the matter, knowing how much it still hurt Dipper so many years later was whenever the subject of his sister's death was brought up. But Mabel eventually found out. Family matters always find a way of being passed down. And her questions began.

Dipper and Wendy tired to answer what they could, but she was young still, so they could fib and sweeten the matter so that she wouldn't know just now. But that was then. Some secrets can't be kept hidden forever. And whether for better or for worse, the day those secrets would finally be revealed came at the start of summer.

Wendy had left for a Lumber jack convention with her brothers. School was done for the year for Mabel. Dipper had taken time off work to be with her so Soos and Melody could see some relatives out of state. It was just the two of them; father and daughter. To surprise her when she got back, Dipper decided to tidy up the attic with Mabel's help. The attic of course being what once was him and his sister's bedroom so long ago. The two began their morning moving boxes around.

"Gee dad, you sure have a lot of old college textbooks up here," said Mabel as she opened one up.

Dipper laughed, "Yeah. It's funny really. I spent more on them then I did on food while I was studying."

Mabel chuckled, "You sure do love making me nervous about life after high school, don't you," she said.

"Ah don't worry Mabel. I'm sure you'll make a fine college student when your time comes," Dipper said.

"Thanks dad," responded Mabel. She moved the box over and opened up another one.

"Woah, is this an actual dinosaur tooth?" she said pulling a pterodactyl tooth out of the box,"

"It sure is. I found it in my vest. I got it while running away from a real pterodactyl after it stole Waddles. He was Mabel's pig. I think I told you about him, right?" Dipper said.

"Yeah. He sure looked cute in that photo you showed me," said Mabel.

"Oh, he was. Mabel loved him in a way I never saw her love anyone else with. Not even your grandparents," Dipper said with a laugh.

"Did Mabel ever let you look after Waddles?" Mabel asked.

"She did. But I quickly learned pigs are a much different type of animal to look after than a cat. I complained about it to Mabel though," Dipper said in sigh. He tried to take those thoughts out of his head.

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