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We'll start off with something fun first ;}

Now, I know I have some of young fans out there and this isn't anything dirty. I'm just giving you facts that maybe you didn't know or were misinformed about. 

ONE: 'Virginity' does not exist. It's just some old-timey (obviously a technical term) concept about being pure set up by old men who sold thier daughters to other men as an excuse to get more land, wealth, power or even a pig. The men who were trading wanted to make sure the stock was pure, untouched and 'unsoiled' like any good merchant would. Unfourtunatly this concept has stuck around even up to today making young people worry about either keeping it or losing it. Virginity is all in your head. If your going to argue about Hymens with me, then wait because I'll address it soon.

TWO: Okay, so soon became now. There is NO medical way to tell if someone is a virgin or not. A hymen is a mythological membrane that covers the external vaginal wall. Sound gross right? Well just like the wonderous unicorn its a myth (sadly, for our dear friend the unicorn) and it won't tell you anything about being a virgin. Over adolescence the Hymen will wear down and can even break with simple activities like jumping pn a trampoline, riding horses or simply playing sports. Some women aren't even born with one!

TWO: Your first time shouldn't hurt. Honestly! You probably think I'm lying to you but books, movies and your friends or parents who tell you it will hurt are only telling the truth if the person you lose it with doesn't know what they're doing. Any pain you will experience is from muscle tension because let's face it, the first time is SCARY. No one knows what thier doing if your both first timers and it's a big intimate step wether you are or aren't in a relationship. It's really all in your head, much like virginity itself, If your told over and over again your going to feel pain, you're GOING to feel pain. If you relax, tell your partner what you want and have a bit of fun with it, youll be fine. 

THREE: I don't care if your boyfriend/girlfriend bought you that fat ass diamond from the movie Titanic, you don't OWE anyone sex. Seriously, just because you've been going out for a considerable amount of time or not don't feel pressured to do anything your not ready for. If your love interest pressures you even after you explain why your not ready then dump them. It is your body and you decide when your ready to take such an emotionally and physcially big step. Your first time is only once so try to make it on your terms.

FOUR: You can't 'ruin' your vagina with sex. Its not going to stretch it out no matter how often you have sex. Some are just naturally wider and some are just naturally tighter. Don't stress about it because if someone makes some bullshit comment about it they're as ignorant as the jackass they rode in on. 

FIVE: Women don't like sex as much as men? BULLSHIT! Women are just as sexually based (if not more) than men. We have sex drives too ya know! Women are portrayed as the naggy responsible party in most relationships but its mostly a sterotype. Wether your a man, woman, or goldfish you have sex and if your with someone who makes you feel good then your going to want it as much as you can and why not? It's fun!

SIX: Casual sex. What? Too slutty for you? Well too bad! Women are owed pleasure as much as men. Just because there some scale that makes you either the Madonna (the virgin) or the whore doesn't make it something real. 'Oh my god! Did you hear about Stefanie? She had sex with all these guys!' Yeah, lets talk about Stefanie shall we? She's hopefully a woman of respectable age who takes proper precautions and loves sex. Yeah, lets shame her into feeling bad about her totally NORMAL urges. Doesn't make sense does it? As long as she's not sleeping with your man/woman, why the hell do you care? She can have as much casual unattached sex as she wants because lets face it, it's no ones buisness what she does or who she does it with.

SEVEN: Condoms. The boy doesn't always have to bring them and your not a 'slut' for having them on you. Your smart. Really smart. You think ahead so there isn't a mood breaking awkward moment of  "you brought it didn't you?" "Uh, no." "Well shit.". See what I mean? HAWKWARD! Besides, then they may go with the ever cheesy line of, "That's okay we can just do it without one". Yeah how about a no on that one, spacecadet! Wrap it before you trap it! Don't be a fool, wrap your tool! Condoms are 99% effective so take precautions and do any other form birth control if you can but always be responsible either way. If your going to do something as big as sex, put on your big girl/boy pants and treat it like that.

EIGHT: Cheating. Not cool and also not your fault if you are the injured party. If they try to use sex (or the lack there of) as an excuse for the break of trust they just pulled on you, they're an even bigger asshole than once thought. You are not to blame for thier bad behavior. They are the assholes/bitches that decided to wander off into a diffrent pasture and someday you'll find someone who thinks your perfectly fine just as you are. So punch them in the face and get some icecream because they're the ones who are going to regret it.

NINE: You can say 'no' anytime you want and the person your with should respect that. We live in a wierd rape culture these days where the person who invaded you in such an intimate way can toss it off like its not a big deal. IT IS. A short skirt, a flirty smile, or even a drunken slurred acceptance is not cause to do that to anyone! You deserve to have your voice heard and If anyone ever violates you that way tell someone immediatly. You are not to blame and you should feel zero shame. You didn't ask for it and they shouldn't have been worthless enough to think that you did especially after you say the magic NO word. 

TEN: Sexual Harassment is just teasing isn't it? Nope. it's not. If someone grabs you and it make you uncomfortable then punch them. Seriously kick them in the dick and walk away because if they can touch you without expecting repremand then you can touch them, in the face, with a brick without any repruccusions too. 

So that's it! Ten facts about sex. If you have any and I mean any (even if its embaressing) PM me and I'll be able to help any way I can. I'm not saying I'm the end all be all of sexual knowledge but I'm informed and have given enough 'sex talks' to enough teenage girls to know my stuff. Hope that helped you guys!

NEXT UP.....*cue dramatic music*...PEER PRESSURE

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