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Today, we're going to talk about bullying. 


This is the understanding argument: Bullies are people who are hurting on the inside. They have inner needs that aren't being met so they take it out on other people as a way to make themselves feel better about themselves. 

Feel all understanding now? Good. Now we can get to the reality of it instead of the Oprah version of how this shit really goes down. Bullying is a cowardly selfish move.

"Oh because I feel bad about myself and are angry because of some reason I'm going to take it out on someone weaker than myself! Then I'll get my friends to go along with it because they need to feel liked and don't want me to pick on them if they decide to toughen up and stand their ground."


You are not above anyone else. You are not owed the right to pick on someone else.

If someone tries to bully you tell them to fuck off. Then what? Easy, ignore them. Sounds easy right? Let me tell you my own personal story quickly:

I was on my third new high school and it was my senior year. I was talked about. Apparently I was a slut, a fat chick, a bitch, a freak, and a wierdo. I had girls call my house and tell me how I looked like a dyke (my hair was short) and how I looked like I weighed 500 lbs. They said I should just kill myself and do eveyone a favor.

Now, did it effect me? Yes. Yes it did but I had good friends, a mom who loved me and enough of a fuck you attitude to get through it. I completely cut those people out of my life and if they approached me and tried to start shit I told them very politely to go fuck themselves with a spork. 

If a bully gets no reaction out of you one of two things will happen: 

ONE: They will continue until you break.

TWO: They will give up and though still be all around assholes, will back off.

If option one happens, tell someone. A friend, a brother, a sister, a boyfriend, a girlfriend or anyone. i'd say tell your parents but we all know how that turns out. They want to call the school or call the kids parents and that only makes it worse. Just find someone who will be able to help you get through it because after high school is over do you know what happens to those bullies? They hit the real world and no one gives a shit if they were cheerleader or the most popualr guy in school.

They'll most likely end up serving your 'fat ass' your McDouble next time you see them if they don't fix that lovely little attitude they have. 

It does get better. i promise you that after high school, college comes and that's when you really come into yourself. You get to be around more mature people (hopefully) that don't give two shits about the fact you love Doctor Who, love boys/girls, sing in a wig to Lady Gaga songs into your hairbrush, live in a shitty house, your parents are divorced, your short, your too skinny, your fat or even the fact that you quote The Avengers at any given oppritunity. Honestly, They'll probably love you for it if they're worth a damn.

So smile, take a deep breath and go on with your day because no matter what those little fuckers say to you, you are amazing just as you are. 

NEXT UP......*darth vader intro music*....PARENTS.

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