Chapter 4

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I arrived at the inside pool and looked around. Dave stood there and smiled.

"Janis! Real good to see you." He shook my hand. "If you go through that door there's brand new swimsuits waiting for you."

He eagerly led me into a dressing where two other women were. One had on her suit already, a black one piece with a sheer center showing off her stomach under mesh. 

The other stood proudly naked. Her hands were on her hips as she looked at the clothing rack with swimsuits.

"What do you think Jack would like to see today?" She questioned the other girl, and the girl poked her shoulder. She turned to me and looked me up and down.

"You must be a new addition." She grinned.

"Addition?" I asked shyly.

"You know, he goes through us like water." The nude girl said with her head high. She had chestnut colored hair and red lipstick to match, and she snatched up a red swimsuit off the rack and into her hand. "And he gets us by getting us into water."

"Who is 'us'?" I asked quietly with my hands clasped in front of me. The two girls look at each other and laughed.

"You're sweet." She grinned as she began putting on the bikini top. "I'm Maggie, that's Tracy."

Tracy smiled and waved. She seemed to be Latina. Maggie pulled up her bikini bottoms while I reluctantly stepped to the clothing rack. I looked at the varieties of swimsuits.

"I'll be so pissed if you don't wear a bikini. Not with those curves! When you walked in it was like bada-boom-bada-bing!" Maggie said as if we've been friends for ages. I slowly picked up a green bikini that hung on the rack, then placed it on my body to see how it looked.

"Gorgeous." Tracy admired. "Absolutely gorgeous."

I looked to them, silently wishing they'd give me privacy to change. Maggie chuckled and strutted out with Tracy right behind her.

With my back to the door, I took off my clothes and slipped on my suit. Right when the clasp of my bikini top clicked, I heard someone at the door.

"I'm glad you could make it." A raspy voice said. When I turned, it was no other than the president himself. My cheeks got uncontrollably warm and I clasped my hands behind my back.

I looked down his body, and he was buff for someone in his forties. He was also in his swimsuit, and I thought I could faint right there.

"Come on out, join us." The President smiled at me. "We're all just getting comfortable."

I walked to him in the doorway, and he stood there looking down at me with lust in his eye. Then he stepped to the side, and watched me as I walked towards the pool.

"It's a tiny room for a pool room." I said quietly and The President laughed.

"I like you." He wiggled his finger at me. Suddenly I saw him run up from behind me and take a dive in. Then, he emerged from the water, swiping his hair back.

"Hey, Jack." Maggie said seductively as she swam up to him and she wrapped an arm around his neck.

"Maggie." He looked at her with hooded eyes and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Oh, Jack. I'm here too." Tracy waved and the President pulled her arm and wrapped that arm around her waist. He had a girl on each arm, and I stood there awkwardly watching.

"Aren't you going to join, Janis?" He asked and I smiled awkwardly. Then I slowly made my way around the perimeter of the pool and took the steps into the water.

"Alright, ladies let me get to know our friend Janis here." The President said silently as he walked through the shallow end of the pool. He stood in front of me.

"Where do you come from?" He asked with a smile.

"New York." I said shyly. He stared into my eyes in a way that intimidated me. Although his presence alone was arousing.

"And what makes you want to work as an intern?" He asked.

"I want to be a lawyer one day." I informed him.

We all spent about an hour talking, but it was small talk. He was so mysterious, eventually getting out of the pool and returning to his job.

"Alright girls, time to go back to work... or back to wherever you came from." Dave mumbled as he glared at Maggie. She snickered as she got out the pool, and it made me wonder exactly what she did for a living.

I dried off and got back on my clothes, then tried to clear my head as to what happened. I just hung around with the President of the United States! I was reeling, but I figured my shyness prevented him from ever wanting to see me.

The phone rang, and I picked it up. I figured it was Dave thanking me for showing up. I almost fell over in my chair when I heard the voice.

"Janis?" That distinctive voice asked. I looked around the office, no one else had gotten a call. They all carried on with their work. "I understand your shift is about to be over. I loved seeing you today, and I was wondering if you'd like a cozy little tour of the White House. Just to show my gratitude."

"Of course." I said cheerfully, but I tried to keep my voice down.

"Great. Dave should be standing outside your office right now. He'll lead you down to where we'll begin." The President told me.

"Thank you." I smiled as I held the phone.

"That's Mr. President to you." He joked. "See you soon." The phone clicked, and I hung up my end. I looked around and Susan was staring dead at me. Then she smiled, standing up and walking to my desk.

"You've been a busy bee for a newcomer." Susan observed. She scowled down at me. "Why is that?"

"Actually, the reason is extremely convoluted. You probably couldn't even comprehend it." I shot her a smile, then stood up and walked off to meet the President.

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