Chapter 3

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We all lined up in order to meet the new president. He shook everyone's hand one by one, flashing his warm and comforting smile.

I could hear his campaign jingle in my head, the cheerful little tune made to win over voters. His charisma won us over, any person, male or female could easily fall for him.

The President slowly began nearing me as he made his way down the line.

"Nice to meet you." He smiled at each person.

"You have a wonderful blouse." He complimented one girl. I was heated with jealousy.

I watched as he was three people down, then two, then one person—

"And what is your name?" The President asked as he looked me directly in the eye.

I hesitated, he didn't ask anyone else what their name was. "Janis. Janis Decker."

I probably sounded like an idiot.

"Well, you'll be a great addition to our team, Janis." He smiled and held out his hand. It was almost as if in slow motion I reached out to touch him. It felt like electricity shot up my arm. "Are you ready to serve your country?"

What? Why was he talking to me for so long?

"Excuse me?" I asked, not hearing exactly what he said.

"Are you ready to change America?" He asked differently. What he said was drastic, and probably not realistic. However coming from his mouth, it meant everything.

"Of course, Mr. President." I nodded with a smile. He nodded and then went to the next person on the line.

What made him act that way with me? Why was he so interested in what I thought? My head filled with fairytales, but I was snapped back to reality once he finished greeting everyone.

"Alright, everyone. I expect you all to work hard, lead with determination and have boundless ambition." The President said as he stood boldly in front of the group of people.

Then he looked me directly in the eye. "I believe you will be able to do it."

I rose my eyebrows, at first I thought he was speaking directly to me. But no, I was wrong of course. He was speaking to everyone standing in the room, the young people eager to make a change in the world.

He had a sexual magnetic energy as he left the room, all the girls swooned once he fully exited. I stood there awkwardly, not really believing that I had just engaged with the Leader Of The Free World.

I couldn't wait to see him again.

"Alright everyone, get to work." Susan called out and a man in a black suit whispered in her ear. "Oh, what a surprise. Stay in line, actually."

In walked Jackie Kennedy, her hair perfectly done in a flipped bop and her Chanel suit perfectly pressed. She seemed like a more superior version of Susan.

"Hello, everyone. It's great to meet you." Jackie smiles. "I understand that some of you are new to the team."

People whispered and mumbled "yes" and "mhm".

"Well. Guess what? I'm new to the team as well." Jackie joked stiffly. We all forced out a laugh. "Anyway, I'd like to inform all of you that I'm working on a project to restore the White House. This house hasn't seen glory in decades, and therefore I need your help in organizing this restoration. I'll be acquiring antique pieces of furniture from various parts of the country, and the world. I'm hoping for a colonial look since that's the era our great country was established."

The line of people clapped at the idea of a restoration.

I looked down the line as Susan was the only one left clapping. She squeezed her hands together. "Sorry, Mrs. Kennedy. It's just that the idea of restoration seems perfect!"

"Now, I hope that you all can pitch in and help us get this done. As a matter of fact, I want to all remind you to stay within your bounds so we can all have an easy time working here. This is, after all, a job." Jackie said, and I felt a slight amount of coldness in that statement.

"Such beautiful girls." Jackie smiled and the ladies in the line laughed. I could hear Susan laugh the loudest. "I'm sure you all will have wonderful tastes in finding places to buy decor."

After a few more moments, Jackie exited. Susan looked at her as if she was a superstar. It was as if she wanted to skin her alive and wear her. When the Secret Service fully left with Jackie, Susan looked to us and clapped.

"Alright, time to get to work." She ordered and everyone began running to their stations.

I got back to my desk and Susan walked over and dropped a file on it.

"Sort these documents out and put them into chronological order." Susan demanded.

"I already have a task to do—" I began but Susan cut me off.

"You are working for the Commander In Chief. There's never too many tasks." Susan rose a brow at me. She stepped away and a man walked to my desk.

"Hello." He nodded. He was an older man, plump in shape. He wore a fedora hat that should've gone out of style five years before. "You must be Ms. Decker."

"I am." I informed him.

"May I ask if your phone works?" He asked me and I looked to the black phone on my desk. Lifting the receiver, I pressed the phone to my ear, and I heard a dial tone.

"Yes, it definitely does work." I nodded as I looked up at him.

"Great." The man said bluntly. We stood there for a moment as he looked me up and down.

"May I help you with anything else?" I asked him.

"No, no, I've found out all I need to know. Congratulations on your job." The man nodded as he walked away swiftly.

"Thank you?" I said softly and Susan quickly walked toward me.

"How do you know Dave Powers?" She asked aggressively.

"Who?" I asked and Susan stayed silent. Her eyes shifted around, and she angrily pierced her lips together while clutching papers against her chest.

"I advice you to stay in your lane, and stay in your work, Ms. Decker." Susan mumbled to me as she leaned over my desk. "That's all."

She walked off and I confusingly sat there. Suddenly, my phone rung.

"Hello?" I answered it.

"Hi, Janis?" The voice sounded like the man who was just at my desk.

"Speaking." I answered and the man chuckled.

"There's a little get together happening at the indoor pool later. I'd like you to join us, to celebrate your new position and all." Dave offered. I thought for a moment, was it appropriate for me to do this?

"When is it?" I asked.

"Now." Dave answered bluntly. My stomach dropped.

"And how will I get there?" I asked, then began whispering. "I don't have a—"

"Swimsuits and all other needs will be cared for. Just head down to Room..." Dave said the room number and I quickly scribbled it down.

"Thank you." I smiled and Dave chuckled, hanging up the phone.

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