Okay? Don't start that fault in our stars stuff again you little shit.

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"Surprise?" you ask, surprised. Your talking to Luke on the phone, in the taxi on the way home from the office where you work. "Yep, when you get home" Luke replies. you can hear him smiling through the phone."Are there any requirements for this surprise?" you ask, pretending that your discussing business and not the possibility of your boyfriend jumping you when you get home. "Just a good mood" he replies nonchalantly. You smirk, you can tell where this is going. "Alright" you say in a deep, seductive voice just to tease him, you know how he hates being teased. Your hear him grunt in annoyance through the line, and smile. "Bye" you say, needing time to prepare for what might be coming. "Bye" Luke replies, hanging up on you before you can say 'I love you'. Your surprised, he always says I love you, always. Maybe he's dumping me you think to yourself. You quickly shake the thought out of your head, not allowing yourself to think like that. By the time the taxi has pulled up in front of your house you have overthought the situation in every way possible, and you're freaking out. You walk inside nervously, placing your bag and briefcase down on the kitchen bench. "I'm home" you call out, hearing no reply. Suddenly someone has spun you around and picked you up, kissing you deeply. You kiss Luke back, winding your fingers through his hair and pulling his head closer, if that's even possible. He carries your intense make out session to the bedroom, and you realise you were right about him jumping you. Suddenly he drops you down on the bed, sits you up, kneels down and pulls a small green box out of his jacket. He opens it and reveals a beautiful white gold ring, with a heart shaped emerald on it, your favourite. You gasp, shocked beyond belief. "(Your full name), Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" he asks, looking somehow nervous and confidant at the same time. "Yes" you whisper, feeling tears of joy slide down your cheeks. "Yes I will" you say a little louder, unsure whether he heard you at first or not. He smiled so widely and brightly you thought the sun might have a run for its money, then stood up and kissed you with all of the love and warmth you were both feeling. "Okay" he said, ruining the moment with his unruly obsession. You smile. "Don't start that fault in our stars stuff again you little shit" you say, slightly annoyed but mostly happy, so happy. He laughed, then leant forward again, pushing you onto the bed and taking your make out session to the next level.

So yeah that happened it's crappy but I try right? Also I don't know should I write a smut imagine thing? Idk you guys (the one person that read this) choose. But fair warning: you will be coming at me with fire trucks of holy water to cleanse my mind.

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