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jjk pov

"hey, what are you doing, babe?" taehyung questioned, softly pecking my cheek.

"uh, not much. apparently there are only twenty left, so i'm trying to order this black hoodie as soon as possible."

taehyung giggled out of amusement.

"i don't remember making a joke," i remarked, rolling my eyes in a jokingly manner.

"kook, there aren't actually twenty left. they usually use that method to make you buy the item faster."

"although, you should buy it. it'd look good on me, anyways," taehyung added.

"but it's my hoodie?"

"yeah, that's the point," the dirty blonde retorted, revealing his adorable box smile.

i turned red at the highly adorable sight.

taehyung & i had gotten closer since that special day, & i guess you could label us as very good friends.

we enjoyed reciting our text messages before we met & doing a bunch of, i guess you could call it mushy, activities.

everything seemed to have been going smoothly, just with one teeny, tiny problem.

my phone buzzed.

sana 🖤: i'll be home in five. see you soon, babe ;)

"shit, sana's coming! grab a controller," i whisper-shouted.

taehyung & i quickly grabbed controllers, parted from each other, & awaited sana's arrival.

soon after, sana walked through the door & smiled at the sight of me.

glancing at taehyung, her smile was replaced with a frown.

"bro, we're gonna lose," taehyung enthusiastically yelled.

"hi, sweetheart. what are you two doing?" sana asked, kissing me on the lips.


taehyung slightly twitched at the sight but acted as if he was too into the game we were supposedly playing.

"oh, just playing games, nothing more," i responded.

"if you're playing games...then why isn't the playstation even on?"



"sorry, it was me. i turned off the ps4 as soon as you came in because i didn't want to distract you & jungkook," taehyung interrupted, saving my ass.

"i never asked you, but ok."

taehyung ignored her remark & flashed a smiled at her.

"well, i think it's time for me to go. see you later, man," he said, smiling at me.

"yeah, you too."

taehyung grabbed his things & slickly blew a kiss at me before he opened the door & left.

there goes the love of my life.

"i thought i made it clear that i didn't want you hanging out with him," sana whined, grabbing onto my arm.

"have you been exercising?" she added, turning pink.

i rolled my eyes at her childish behavior.

"baby, how many times will i have to tell you? nothing's going on between taehyung & i; whatever we have is completely platonic," i responded, trying my very best to sound completely genuine.

i internally chuckled at my lie, remembering how tae & i cuddled thirty minutes ago.

"yeah but still, he always eyes you in a flirtatious way. it sorta makes me jealous," she responded, pouting.

not as cute as taehyung, but it'll suffice.

"i don't even know why he looks at me that way. he's openly gay & im straight so chances are that he's attracted to me. whether he is or not, i won't let anything occur between us because you're my baby," i responded, with sarcasm laced around my voice.

"ok, well, good. im going to go make dinner, any suggestions?" sana asked, straddling onto my lap.

someone get this bitch off tae's assigned seat.

"nah, surprise me," i responded, forcing a smile.

"ok, anything for you," she said in a sweet tone, booping my nose.

she got off my lap & happily skipped to the kitchen, leaving me by myself.

i breathed a sigh of relief, realizing how close she was to catching taehyung & i in the act.

oh, yeah, & that teeny, tiny problem?

sana & i are still dating.

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