o. opportunity is knocking

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Lying in a dream-like haze, staring at the white wall opposite to the bed that she and her fiancé, Jefferson, shared, Andie Deacon had been in this position for at least an hour

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Lying in a dream-like haze, staring at the white wall opposite to the bed that she and her fiancé, Jefferson, shared, Andie Deacon had been in this position for at least an hour. Thinking about everything and nothing at the same time.

She felt like her father, laying in such a state, depression ran in the family after all. She recalled days where he didn't even speak or move from his spot on his bed. Even her own mother couldn't shake him. That was when she was young, around the time Freddie passed. She remembered how distraught her mother was. She remembered curling up next to her father, not saying a word, and hugging him. Some days he would hold on to her and cry. Andie hated those days.

The house was completely silent, other than the sound of bacon and eggs sizzling and crackling on the stove. The smell and sounds were distant to her, she didn't even realize Jeff had entered the room. She snapped out of it when she felt the bed dip beside her and a careful hand move some of the hair from her cheek.

"I made some breakfast if you want some, love," Jefferson spoke quietly, smiling softly as she turned to face him. Andie rubbed her sleep filled eyes and hummed in response, snuggling into his chest.

"Oh no, you don't," He chuckled while scooping the woman into his arms and getting up from the bed.

"Put me down!" Andie shouted as giggles poured out of her mouth and filled the air. He walked down the hall, heading towards the kitchen with a goofy smile. "Jefferson Bennett I swear- ahhh!" She shrieked as Jefferson suddenly stopped and pretended to drop her.

He chuckled and laughed at his fiancee's shocked expression, "You said to put you down! What you don't want me to?" He pretended to drop her again as she let out another shriek and giggled. "Or do you?"

Jefferson seemed like the switch, that would turn her darkness into light. The person who could always make her smile no matter what. Sure there was her mother, father, her six siblings, Roger, and Brian, but with Jefferson her smile came so naturally. If the medication didn't help, there was Jefferson.

"You know what I meant!" She shouted. Jefferson smiled softly before he kissed her on the nose, placing her gently on her feet. "Thank you," she said after straightening her pajamas out, which consisted of some flannel pajama pants and one of Jeff's shirts.

"Are you ready for breakfast now?" Jeff asked, fixing a stray hair from Andie's bedhead.

Andie was smiling as she entered the kitchen, "Of course. I bet it's great because it always is."

"You're very humbling," Jefferson replied sarcastically, wrapping his arms around Andie's waist and putting his head on her shoulder while she served herself up some scrambled eggs.

She tried to move away from the stove, but his arms were solid around her, "Are you going to let me eat it or not?" She chuckled lightly.

With a sigh Jefferson let her go, giving Andie an overexaggererated frown, "I was just relishing the moment, dear." He pouted, going to his already made plate on the table.

The two at in a comfortable silence. At one point Jefferson's hand met Andie's on the table. Andie glanced down at her small opal engagement ring. She recalled the first and only time she talked about her ring preference with Jefferson. "Nothing flashy and something vintage," she told him, "I'm a simple girl and the ring should match that." That was a long time ago, but he remembered.

She was interrupted from her thoughts by the sound of the house phone ringing. "I'll get it." She told Jeff as she stood, walking over to the light blue rotary phone that was hanging on the wall.

"Hello?" She answered the phone with a smile.

"Andrea!" A voice on the other line exclaimed. She looked to Jefferson, who mouthed who is it?

"Uncle Roger!" She laughed, both greeting the man and giving Jefferson an answer, "what a pleasant surprise."

"Oh, every time you call me uncle I feel so old." Roger sighed.

"A timeless beauty like you will never grow old, Rog." She heard him laugh on the other end of the line.

Jefferson watched in interest as his fiancé talked, "A movie, really?" Andie twisted the cord with her other hand as the two of them talked, "you want me to- no I couldn't."

"Well you learned bass from your father, I'd be like he was learning from him through you!" Roger explained, "And who better to teach him than John's own daughter?"

"But I- oh there's no good excuse is there?" Andie complained with a chuckle. "Could I think about it and then call you back?"

"Of course, sweetheart." She could hear the smile in his voice, "I'll talk to you soon."

"Yes, love you uncle Roger." She said before hanging up the phone.

She made her way back to her place at the table, Jefferson's eyes studying her every movement. "What was that about?" He asked when she sat down, he could tell that she was thinking hard about something by the way her brow furrowed.

"Roger and Brian are helping out with a movie, and Roger said they wanted me to help teach one of the actors how to play the bass." She explained, "I don't know if I should do it or not. What do you think?" She asked him, always valuing his opinion.

He looked from her to the table, and knocked on the wooden slab three times.

"What was that?" She asked, a bemused look on her face.

"Opportunity," he smiled and she shoved him lightly.

"You are such a dork," she giggled.

"I'm your dork, but I really think you should go for it." He grabbed the woman's hand once again, "I mean you always talk about trying to make a name for yourself, and until you get your novel out there, this could be it!"

Andie bit at one of the fingernails on her other hand, a nervous habit. Maybe he was right, this could be her introduction to the media. She stood quickly, going back over to the phone and beginning to dial Roger's number.

"Hey Andie," Jefferson called and she hummed in response. "I love you."

She smiled, holding the phone up to her ear, "I love you too."

This is probably the best prologue I've ever written holy moly. They are cuties I swear.

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