xxvi. coffee coughs

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"He likes you," Lucy told the brunette as they sat in the heated trailer

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"He likes you," Lucy told the brunette as they sat in the heated trailer.

London's weather wasn't exactly being the kindest. It had been rather chilly all day, and the two girls would rather confide in the warm trailer, than stand around in the freezing wind.

"You know it seems like everyone is telling me that nowadays," Andrea pulled at her cardigan, the warm material was still a little too thin for the day's temperature, but her coat was too thick for the warmth of the trailer.

"You'll see," Lucy simply shrugged before trying to throw her empty coffee cup in the trash, missing by only a little and hitting the person who was opening the trailer door, "Sorry!" She yelped.

"What did I ever do to you," Ben pouted before laying down next to Andie, his head resting on one of her thighs, "It's proper chilly out, innit?"

"That's the most British thing I've heard come out of you mouth," Joe told Ben as he shrugged his coat off, the rest of the boys entering the trailer behind him.

"They gave us a break so we don't freeze out there," Rami told them as he sat down next to Lucy. Andie raised an eyebrow at her but the blonde looked away shyly.

"There's a coffee shop down the road if anyone wants to go with me?" Andie said grabbing her purse and wiggling out from under Ben.

"I think I'll just stay here a rest a bit," Ben told her and Gwilym nodded in agreement.

"I'll go with you," both Joe and Lucy said at the same time.

"Alright, it's well within walking distance so I don't think we have to worry about a cab of anything," she told them as she pulled on her coat.

The three of them set out on their journey for caffeine, Lucy and Andie conversing along the way about various different things, but mostly about the boys doing a full dress rehearsal the next day.

"I hope it's not too cold tomorrow, or else I'll be a Deacicle," Joe joked causing the brunette to snort.

"We'll imagine how cold Rami would be," Lucy pointed out.

Joe was examining his hands, "What are you doing?" Andie asked him, and then glanced up to his head, "and why do you still wear that thing, the perm isn't that bad."

"I can't be seen in public with it, it's too powerful," Joe grinned, not answering the question and going back to look at his fingers, which Andie now noticed were red at the tips and... smooth.

The woman gasped, "You're fingertips hurt!" He gave her a look as if she was crazy and shook his head, brushing it off. She hit him with her purse.

"Ow!" Joe grabbed the arm she hit like he was in serious pain, "Okay, yeah, they hurt."

"You lied to me," she pointed up at him with a huff, stopping to stand in front Joe. Lucy stood and watched from their sides in amusement, "You weren't practicing as much as you said you were," she grabbed his hand and held it up so his fingers were in clear view, "or else these boys would be all calloused up by now."

Joe hissed at the contact of her hand against his fingertips, making Andie drop them immediately, "Oh shoot, they're probably still tender."

"Nooo," Joe said sarcastically, which made Andie frown, "I had good reason to, though," he explained, "I was helping my mom a lot at her dance studio, and was helping take care of my dad."

Andie nodded, knowing his situation, "Well, family always comes first in my book, so you get a pass," Grinning, Joe swung an arm over her shoulder and brought his knuckles to her head, messing up her hair lightly before letting her go.

"I'm getting back at you for that one," Andie mused, "Just you wait!" She pointed at him before following Lucy into the shop.

Stepping up to the counter, the blonde quickly ordered her drink and payed. Then she stood off to the side so she could let her friend's order. Joe slipped in front of Andie, as she was still looking at the menu, and began his order, "I'll have a large black coffee with sugar and," he looked back at Andie, "What do you want?"

"Oh, Joe you don't have to-" Andie sputtered out, but Joe shook his head.

"I lied to you, the least I can do is pay for your tea," He smiled.

Andrea smiled slightly at the gesture, "I'll take a medium hot cinnamon tea, please," she told the barista before whispering a thanks to Joe.

After the orders were completed Lucy had found them a booth in a more secluded area of the cafe. A place where the could talk freely.

Andrea squinted slightly, looking at Joe's trusted Yankees hat, "Joe," said man hummed in question, "There's something on your..." she acted like she was going to brush something off of his hat before grabbing it and placing it on her own head.

"Hey!" Joe yelped, trying to grab it back, "Deacon," he said in a warning tone.

"You messed up my hair, so I get to wear the hat now," Andie crossed her arms over her head, probably looking utterly insane, but she didn't care.

The waitress brought their drink orders over and gave them a polite smile before setting their drinks down and leaving.

There was a brief moment of silence while they all tried their drinks. A small smile came to Lucy's face before she spoke, "So, how long have you two been together?" She asked while setting down her coffee cup.

Andie's eyes widened and Joe began to cough violently, sputtering the coffee he had just taken a drink of all over the table in front of him. Lucy laughed, dodging coffee, "I was kidding, I know you two aren't dating."

Andie glanced to Joe, who was gasping for air, "So dating me would really be that bad, huh?" She asked him with a quirked eyebrow.

Joe looked mortified.

"Kidding," she smirked, nudging his shoulder.

"You know, you two's version of 'humor', isn't what I'd call funny," he grabbed some napkins from the dispenser and wiped away his spit. Ignoring all the looks he had been receiving from the patrons around them.

Lucy gave Andrea a knowing look, as if to say 'I told you so.'

I don't know if this was a good chapter or not....


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