xviii. reconnected

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andrea_deacon: Glad to see some familiar faces again

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andrea_deacon: Glad to see some familiar faces again. @westofeden @tomlowe

Andie, Eden, and Tiger Lily all sat on the couches in Andie's living room, "I'm so glad all the girls are back together," Tiger sighed, leaning her head on Eden's shoulder.

"I mean, I'm not saying I told you so, but I told you so," A voice came from Eden's phone. Andie's other friend Tom was FaceTiming them.

"Shut it, Tom. It's not like Andie knew he was going to cut her off from civilization," Eden sighed, "I should've done more, I knew something was fishy when 'you' sent me that text."

"I knew he was no good when he told me not to put sour cream in my cakes," Tom scoffed when Eden gave him a look, "What? It makes them moister!"

Andie sighed, "It's all in the past now, and hopefully we can move on from this. Now, Tom, please tell me again why you're not here HBO and hanging with us."

"Because," Tom said, "I'm in New York promoting my cookbook right now."

"I bet Andrea wishes she was in New York right now," Tiger Lily's smile widened and Andie groaned, throwing a decorative pillow at her.

"I can't believe I said that shit to him," Her cheeks were red as she buried her face in the couch.

"To who?" Eden and Tom said at the same time.

"It seems our sweet Andrea here has snagged herself another man," Tiger Lily said before bringing her wine glass to her lips.

"I didn't snag him, we're just friends," Andie began to bite the corner of her thumb, a nervous habit that she picked up from her father. They were just friends and nothing more, though she wouldn't be opposed to something more, she just went through the worst break up of her life.

She loved Jefferson, but she was rethinking the whole relationship now. Was it love, or manipulation? When did he start cutting her off from people? Had he always been this way and was she just to lovestruck to see it? She tasted something metallic in her mouth and noticed she'd made her thumb bleed from biting down on it too hard. She wiped the small droplets of blood on her dark jeans and brought her knees to her chin.

"Don't listen to her," Tiger Lily said, "They talk to each other all the time, they blab on and on about how much they miss each other, it's honestly doing my head in."

"You don't have to listen to us," Andie shook her head, "and friends can miss each other."

"So, who is this guy?" Tom asked, eating his lunch, which consisted of an avocado salad, "I'm gonna have to scope him out to see if he's fit for my best friend."

"Tom, he's sweet, and the complete opposite of Jefferson," Andie explained, "but we aren't going to date because he's my friend."

"His name is Joe," Tiger Lily told him, "Joe Mazzello."

Eden scrolling on the TV froze and she let out a laugh, "Joe Mazzello, as in that Joe Mazzello?"

The tv was stopped on the Pacific, a preview video was playing as a description of the show and main actors named popped up in the corner.

"No, we can't watch that," Andie said, reaching towards Eden for the remote.

"Why not?" Eden asked, "It's just a show."

"Rami and Joe both said I'd probably cry my eyes out," Andie told them.

"More the reason to watch it," Tiger teased as Eden pressed play.

Eden sat her phone down and placed it to where Tom could see the TV too, and then the proceeded to binge watch.


Andie was in tears, "Oh my god, he doesn't know what he's getting himself into. Poor, Gene," They were at the beginning of episode six when the tears started flowing, Andie didn't know whether to blame it on her tiredness or the show. She settled on both.

He phone buzzing made her jump, it was Joe. Oh, no. She answered the FaceTime call and saw Joe's smile falter as he realized she was crying. "Andie, what's wr-" He cut himself off when he heard what was going on the background, "I told you it would break you," he said matter-of-factly.

"I know," she sniffled, "but they were curious," she flipped her camera around to show Tiger Lily and Eden, who had paused the show when they realized that Andie was talking to Joe.

"Hi, Joe!" Tiger Lily waved.

Eden smiled, "Hi, I'm Eden, one of Andrea's friends."

"And I'm Tom!" A wavering voice shouted from Eden's phone, "And no I'm not crying, it's just allergies."

Andie sighed reaching for the remote, "You guys, maybe we should stop for the night, it's seven here meaning..." Andie thought for a moment, doing the math in her head, "It's only two o'clock for you two! No wonder it's so bright on Tom's end."

"Well you have to keep going now," Joe told her, "You've made it over halfway."


It was nearing the end of the next episode, Joe had stayed on the phone with Andie, who was engrossed in the show. Suddenly Joe went quiet, "Oh, god," Andie heard him mutter. Eugene was sitting on the beach, and then he started to take off his clothes, which caused Tiger Lily and Eden to whoop, and Andie and Joe to go red.

"It's a cute ass," Tom commented, his head propped up with his hand as he stared at the screen.

Andie threw pillows at the two girls, making sure the one she threw at Eden would also hit her phone, "Shut it," she groaned, "I'm sorry that my friends are children," she told Joe.

Antoni Porowski as Tom Lowe
Cara Delevingne as Eden West

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