xxvii. dress rehearsal

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Andrea waited patiently outside of the men's dressing rooms

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Andrea waited patiently outside of the men's dressing rooms. Brian and Roger stood on either side of her. She rested her head on the shorter man's shoulder, yawning momentarily.

"You okay, love?" Roger asked her, and Andie replied with a simple nod. She had been up for most of the night with Joe, watching the footage of her father at Live Aid on repeat. Andie was tasked to give him directions but the man seemed to have it down pat, every head bob, every turn.

Although she couldn't complain when she woke up in his arms in the morning. It was odd, Andie had never seen him this way before, but the smile he gave her when she first opened her eyes made her heart burst.

"Do you need some tea, dear?" Brian asked her.

"No, thank you though, I was just up late last night," she told the two of them.

One of the doors opened and Andie let out a gasp, "Does the studio own a time machine?"

Gwilym smiled, all decked out in his Brian attire, making a 'ta-dah' gesture with his hands, "I forgot you weren't at the fittings," he chuckled. Andie couldn't say a word, she just held her mouth open in shock, looking back and forth from Brian to Gwilym.

"You'll catch flies, darling!" A voice called from behind her, Rami brought a hand to her chin and closed her mouth for her.

She glanced to Roger, who just chuckled, and then back go Rami, "What kind of Twilight Zone shit is this?"

Ben was the next out of his trailer, which made Andie laugh a bit, "What?" Ben held his arms out, examining himself, "Do I look alright?"

"No, you look fine," Andie assured him, "It's just that, you're so buff and Roger..." She trailed off, glancing at the bearded man.

"Oi, you shut it," Roger told her, playfully shoving her arm.

"I think I've found my power outfit," Joe said, stepping out of his trailer before letting out a long yawn, "Sorry, was up late."

Brian and Roger shared a look as Andie approached Joe, "Oh my," she smiled softly, "This takes me back," her hand immediately went to his hair, tugging lightly on the very fluffy wig, "Fluff and all."

"They want you up for rehearsal," an assistant said as he passed by.

"Well, we won't keep you boys waiting," Brian told them and they all made their way towards the stage.

Roger, Brian, and Andie followed behind them, trailing slightly behind. "Andie?" Roger spoke suddenly.

"Yeah, Rog?" She asked, staring at the four men in front of her.

"You should grow out your bangs, it'd suit you better."

Andie raised an eyebrow at him, "Well, I'm long overdue for a trim anyway, so why not," she shrugged before walking a little bit faster to catch up with the boys, joining their discussion.

"What are you planning?" Brian asked as soon as he knew she was out of earshot.

"You'll see," Roger grinned.

It was the last day of filming Live Aid, continuous shot after continuous shot. Lucy and Aaron stood off the side of the stage, being the proud onlookers, Mary and Jim. The small crowd of extras were going crazy as the "band" performed. Brian, Roger, and Andie watched from the other side of the stage, just out of sight from the cameras.

Andie was chewing on her thumb anxiously, looking at the men, hoping this take would go as smoothly as the others.

"He's a lot like John, y'know?" Roger whispered to Brian, staring at Joe with a proud expression.

The two of them chuckling lightly as he danced along the stage.  "He is John." Brian whispered to Roger with a grin.

Taking their bows, "Queen" waved and exited the stage.

As the cameras stopped filming and the crowd was cheering on their victorious take, Andie ran across the "backstage". Literally jumping onto the aforementioned man, she squeezed Joe with a laugh. "I'm so proud of you!" She breathed out, the man under her rolling them over so they were both on their sides. She could hear the rest of the "band" chuckling at the sight.

Joe had the biggest smile on his face, "Well, I couldn't have done it without you."

Watching the two from the sidelines, Roger grinned, "And there's Veronica."


lucyboynton1: She bought us all flowers because we successfully finished filming the first scene of #bohemianrhapsody

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lucyboynton1: She bought us all flowers because we successfully finished filming the first scene of #bohemianrhapsody. I'm in love.

"Hey, Lucy?" Andrea and Lucy were sitting in Andie's living room, the tv was on but neither of them really payed attention as the nursed their wine glasses.

"Yeah?" The blonde asked, looking over at her friend.

"I know I'm like ten years older than you," Andie began with a slight chuckle, "But I need some advice."

"Well, I'm all ears Deacon," Lucy smiled, "Although, I don't know how much I'll be of help."

"How do you know if you're in love? I honestly can't tell you the feeling. Being with Jefferson just... confused me so much," The brunette explained.

Lucy set down her glass, pulling the woman in for a hug, "You'll know when you truly love someone. It'll hurt when you're apart, you want nothing but to spend time with them, to see them. You'll know, Andie."

"But I thought I was in love with... you know who, but it was all fake. How do I know if they love me back?" Andie asked her and then rolled her eyes, "God, I sound like a teenager."

"You'll never know unless you ask," Lucy smiled.

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