Chapter 9.

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Luke's POV

"This party is lame." I tell drunk Ashton and Calum.

"Whatever I think they're- this party is like the best one ever made." Calum hiccups.

"Yeah. Okay. I'm going to go check on Whitney." I tell them and they just laugh. They're so annoying when they're drunk.

I walk towards the room where I last left my sleeping princess and open the door. I switch on the light to see Whitney kissing someone. I'm not sure who, but I froze trying to figure out if this is really happening or not. I knew it was real when I saw her deep green eyes staring into mine, in shock that this just happened. Before I can break anything in the house I slam the door. I can hear Whitney's faint calls until I walk outside. Before she pulls me back into her beautiful gaze I jump into my car.

I start the car and drive. I'm not sure where I just need to get out of here. I start to worry about how Whitney is going to get home. I push away those thoughts because I need to be angry. Why am I not angry? It's not like she did it on purpose she was drunk. No! No. She did this, it's bad, I need to do something. When I look up I see a park, different from the one we usually go to.

I go to the empty swings and start to cuss and throw rocks then my anger turns into sorrow. My words turn into sobs. The tears keep falling while I think about how the last time I kissed her will be the last for a year. Maybe forever. She cheated on me. Who knows what would've happened if I didn't walk in there when I did. My anger rises back up and I punch the pole holding up the abandoned swing set. The words fall out of my mouth until the tears come again. I continue this cycle for several hours until I decide to go home.

My eyes are puffy when I wake up. Alone. In my bed. Without my love. I feel empty without her. This is my last chance to see her. I can't. I'm going to pack everything and then leave for the airport. I can't get distracted. This is what I want to do. I don't need her.

I grab my guitar in hopes of distracting myself. I start to randomly strum on the strings until I hear a pattern of words collecting in my head.

*I wish that I could wake up with amnesia*

The words keep flowing on to my paper. Word after word I start to think about her a little more. I start to sing the words over and over until there is a knock on the door. I try to wipe the tears off of my face, but it's too late a boy with spiked hair walks through my door.

"Luk-" Michael asks softly.

"Come in." I sniffle.

"Luke what happened last night? Whitney can barely stop crying enough to tell us what happened." Michael keeps his voice low. Him telling me that she can't stop crying made me cry a little more. I take a deep breath and wipe off the tears.

"Whitney got drunk last night, and I went to check on her in your room." I look up at him. "She was making out with a random asshole." I tell him holding back tears.

"Oh." is all he could manage to say.

"Who knows what else would've happened if I didn't go in there!" I yell.

"Nothing. Nothing would've happened Luke." he tries to calm me down.

"How do you know?!" I raise my voice tears still present.

"I-I don't." He admits.

It's 3:00 and I grab my bags to leave for the airport. I do my best not to think about her, but that's all I thought about on the way there.

When we arrive it starts to rain making my tears a little more dramatic. I wipe my eyes before any of the guys notice. I know Michael can tell that I'm crying, but he decides not to say anything. What are you supposed to say? I'm sorry for your loss? There's nothing to say, really.

I look over and see my family smiling at me. They don't know that I've been crying. All they know is that I'm going off to be a rock star that travels the world only to be chased by millions of girls that I don't even care about. The only one I truly want to be there won't be.

Whitney's POV

I haven't stopped crying since this morning when I found out Luke wasn't coming back. The fact that he's leaving right now and the last time I will see him I saw hurt flashing through his eyes.

I decide to make myself stop crying to eat, but it doesn't help. I just throw up everything I ate into the toilet. I cry into my pillow for another hour, then I hear Luke's voice ringing through my ears. Him singing to me. I sit up to look for him. There was no one there, only my mind playing tricks on me. I scan around my room and my eyes focus on my guitar. Hidden under a pile of clothes. The words to Luke's song ring through my head and I strum the guitar adding in my own words. The only thing keeping me from crying is singing this song until it makes sense.

••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed! comment?! Let me know what you think will happen next!

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