Keith has a thing for caution in more ways than one - 3

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The moment Keith laid eyes on lance he new something was different about him from afar his eyes shifted his calculated glances and steps seemed far to graceful. His smiles and winks he sent at others seemed to be perfect facades too real looking to be fake but the quickness in which they left in to fast to have ever been anything but fake (keith would be one to know he made that face to many times to count since taken into foster care) . From up close the air around him smelled clearer like a cold summers breeze he could almost taste the salt in the air ( though he lived in the desert and had never been to a beach a day in his life) Lance and Keith sat next to each other at the assembly on the first day.

The principals secretary told them to chat and get to know the people around them since they would be spending most of their time near each other. The hall erupted into chaos people got up from the bleachers and moved to talk to their elementary friends(primary for us brits) and catch up. Both Keith and Lance stayed seated Lance because he didn't have any true friends and Keith because his foster family had just moved and (this cute awkward ball of energy was to shy and suspicious to initiate conversation or talk to anyone at all) he didn't know anyone (ya lets go with that)
The moment keith had entered the room lance was met with a familiar feeling it was the same feeling he usually got when he meet an alien ( yes he knew about aliens they were what got his interest in space it was common knowledge among the wolf community cause although rare when a ship crashed on earth it always landed in a wolf owned plot of land and those aliens usually had a wolf mate fate leading their ship to crash on earth them being identified as a wolfs mate by their marking usually the wolf's name matching the usually unpronounceable name on the wolf's body (names were more common than pictures) lance had only met an alien once when he was a little younger his mamas cousin had come over and stayed  for a little while with his alien mate she was very humanoid only identifiable by her slightly too big eyes the somewhere in-between a butterfly and bee wings that fit on her back perfect enough to cover with a sweatshirt and her antennae that she hid under her hood. Her species had the natural ability to telepathically communicate so she fit right in and she helped lance discover that he could shift into more than earthen animals and mythical beings. His mama told him only alphas could sense them) though this feeling was much much stronger and very different. He couldn't keep his eyes off this boy as they were told to sit they got closer until they sat beside each other the only way he could keep his eyes of was the threat of him catching him and losing his chance to asses his surroundings. All he saw around him was noise, giggling girls pointing at boys, boys looking back eyeing them like meat. The only interesting thing he saw were small balloons in the rafters that most definitely could not have stayed during the summer. The teachers must of had a start of the new year party he deducted. His eyes fell back on the boy as Keith's darted away. Lance had felt his eyes on him since lance had looked away and for some reason he had subconsciously liked and was pleased that he was only looking at him. The principles assistant introduced herself and welcomed us to talk with one another, the chaos was defining good thing he had his "hearing aids" in (they were specifically made for him basically indestructible made so he could have full range of hearing yet was able to lower it in crowded areas like this) so he stoped and did one of the most stupid, irresponsible, and impulsive things he had ever done and asked
"Do you believe in aliens?"
Keith looked around not believing this (cute) boy was talking to him. Once deducting he could only be talking to him he said the most logical thing to this new possible friend and quietly said under the roar of the auditorium
Lance had heard his voice loud and clear even with his hearing aids turned low
"oh... Do you believe in werewolves?"
"yes..."  Keith squeaked out slightly sharper
"Oh well have you met one?"
So Keith did the stupid thing and said
"yes..." in an impossibly smaller voice
"Was it the Santiago pack" Lance questioned  seeming confident
"You have a fading Texas accent. I can hear it in your voice their the major pack there so I just guessed"
"I only said like two words" Keith whispered sassily
Lance giggled "How did you know them one of my mamas sisters mate is in that pack" lance tested his waters with wolf terms Keith didn't seem to notice the use of wolf terms
"Ya how d'ya know!" Lance said excitedly
"I knew she came from Cuba, my dad worked with a lot of people from the pack and we would go over there with our free time and when they would work all night or my dad couldn't watch me"
"Who do you live with now" Lance asked
"You spoke sadly and in past tense so he's obviously gone so. Who do you live with now" Lance said smiling
"What no I'm sorry for you lose" Keith said softly
" You don't need anyone to be sorry they didn't do anything and it won't do anything to help your or bring him back" lance spoke calmly giving Keith a soft smile
"I..I got adopted awhile back they came all the way from Japan to adopt me my older brother moved here for school and I went with him"
"Wow cool you must like your older brother a lot"
"And?" Lance asked
"And I don't like uniforms and there are like no public schools in Japan"
"Can you speak Japanese?" Lance questioned
"Yes, are you a werewolf?"
"Yes.." Lance answered slowly
"I think we are gonna be good friends"

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