Chapter One: Growth

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A/N: Happy New Year! I am having so much fun with this story and it's planning I hope you enjoy. See ya loves!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. ALL HAIL ROWLING!!

Third POV 

October 31, 1982 

A trio of people stood in front of two headstones in a cemetery that was placed only two blocks from their home. Two men and an infant. One man had honey colored hair and the other a wild black mane. The child was cuddled between the two. They all stared at the headstones. 'James F. Potter, March 27, 1960-October 31,1981' and 'Lily J. Potter, January 30, 1960-October 31,1981'. The infant was Harry James Potter and the two men were Remus John Lupin and Sirius Orion Black. After Lily and James deaths the three had decided to stay and live in the original home, Godric Hollow. The two men had decided to raise Harry as their own. He was going to have a happy childhood. Well as happy as one could have with their soulmate missing.

Harry hadn't had any dreams since that night, none of his soulmates voice in his head. He wasn't dead, there was no way he could be dead. The mark was still dark as ever but his soulmate was nowhere to be seen. 

The trio stood there for a while, hours maybe, before they migrated back to the house and stayed there for the rest of the night, curling up with with each other for comfort.

October 31, 1983 

The same trio stood in the same place, only this time they were accompanied by a severe looking woman with square glasses and her black bun put into a tight bun. She wore an emerald cloak and stood close to the small family with her head bowed and white lilies in her hands. Remus held Harry close as the three year old looked sadly at the stones. Harry, after a while, started to look at the woman. She smiled at him and reached forward to pat his head affectionately. Harry looked at her and reached his arms forward. The woman smiled again and took him out of Remus' arms. She propped him on her hip and started a childish conversation with Harry. Minnie, as the woman had told Harry to call her, was a teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a school that Harry would attend once he turned eleven. 

They left the graveyard and spent the following hours talking and catching up, Harry playing with Minnie and showing her his dragon.

October 31, 1984 

Harry held a small bouquet of wildflowers, that he had collected from the backyard of the Hollow, and stood in front of the graves. Remus, or as he had been told to call Moony, and Sirius, or Padfoot, were standing just behind him, a hand on each of his shoulders. Minnie and a large man with a bushy mane of hair and beard, stood to the side of Moony and Padfoot. All watched the child as he placed half of the bouquet on top of each stone. Harry blew a kiss to each grave and, with watery eyes, walked to Padfoot to be held, in which Sirius hastily and happily complied. 

The group stood there for only a few more minutes in silence before they went back to the house for the usual gathering that occurred every year. There was music this time, and biscuits that made a good chew toy for Flame. Harry was much quieter this year. A figure, the same that had visited after his soulmate had disappeared, was watching over Harry. He talked to Harry on occasion and often visited during mealtimes, which made it all the more confusing to Harry when none of the others seemed to notice his presence. It was a comforting figure so Harry didn't mind. He was there when Harry silently cried at night, mourning the loss of his parents and soulmate. Harry didn't know who this figure was but he appreciated the comfort that he was given.

Harry was growing as well. Physically, he was taller, he was thinning out, his hair they had let grow out until it was at his shoulders, and though he always looked sad his bright eyes gained a glint of mischief. He was advancing academically as well. They were teaching him to read and write and math. He was well versed with them all, though his penmanship needs a bit of work but he's only four. He was taking after Sirius a lot though. When they brought him clothes shopping a while back, he had been immediately drawn to the darker, punk-like clothes in the muggles kids section. Sirius had laughed a bit and went around collecting all the items that Harry pointed to while Remus sat their with a shocked and bewildered expression. Lets just leave it as that was a weird day. 

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