Chapter Two: Heaven Help Him

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Harry sat in his bed, thinking while staring off into the pale green walls of his room. He had had a giant redesign of his room done once he turned nine and he had made his room fairly nice. The crib was gone and so was the dresser. The bed that his mother had conjured was still there but the sheets were now black with silver trimmings. A small dark oak desk and a nightstand were the only other furnishings in his room. The bed was positioned along the wall with the large window and the nightstand on the open side of it while the desk sat across from both. Small glass globes bobbed in the air, carrying small balls of light that dimmed and brightened at Harry's will.

The closet was filled with clothes, shoes and robes. The room was not messy, Harry wouldn't accept it to be messy, and everything had a place. All books in the undetectable expanded shelf in his desk that he could slide and move to place thousands of books in, unless of course he was reading it, then it was allowed to sit in his nightstand. Parchment and quills inside of the drawer of his desk. Flames' perch sat on top of his desk, as did his watercolors, brushes, sketch pencils, sketchbook, and paper. Any mementos or special items were placed neatly in his nightstand.

Harry didn't really care if the room didn't match the rest of the house, neither did Sirius or Remus for that matter. They just wanted Harry happy. And he was, for the most part. He missed his parents and his soulmate, but there wasn't much Harry could do about that. He had taken to wearing a black leather band over his mark to ease the pain when he was awake. But nothing could stop what happened when he was asleep. He was alone in his dreams. Alone in an endless black world. No noise, unless you counted the sobs or screams that Harry would make on occasion when he was in his dreams. Harry was alone and he didn't know how to fix it.

Harry sighed and quickly glanced at the closed door before he slipped off of his bed and sat at his desk, pulling out his pencils and sketchbook as he did. He stared out of the window for a moment before  he poised the pencil over the paper and drew. Strokes crossed over the paper with a soft scratch here and there. Harry lost himself in his work and distantly realized what he was drawing. He didn't stop, not until the picture was finished an hour later. He took a shaky breath and carefully pulled out his portfolio, staring at the pictures similar to the one he had drawn. All of his soulmate. His smile. His eyes. His lips. Everything.

Harry clenched his eyes tight and gently placed the picture with the others before storing his portfolio away. He cast a wandless Tempus and smiled as the bright green numbers appeared, 11:58. He laid back down and pulled the thick comforter up to his neck as he looked out the window and watched the stars twinkle beside the glowing moon. He stared for a while in silence. He planned out his day for tomorrow and he couldn't wait. Minnie has told them that their Hogwarts letter would be given out tomorrow. They would go straight to Diagon Alley and buy his supplies before they came back. They would set up for the duo party and it would be fun. Then, once everyone had left, Harry, Remus and Sirius would do something together before he would lock himself in his room under the pretense of going through his school books. Really, he was going to wallow in self pity.

He sighed and cast another Tempus. He smiled softly and looked back at the moon. "Happy Birthday to me," Harry closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

The next day went almost exactly as Harry had predicted. Harry was woken by loud barking and laughter as his door banged open. He smiled as he pretended to be asleep and listened to Remus try and playfully quiet down Padfoot. Harry felt them approach the bed and his smile turned into a smirk as he felt the bed dip. His eyes shot open and he flung his hand out, sending pulses of magic towards the pair. They yelped in unison before they started to laugh uncontrollably. Harry started to giggle as he made his magic tickle the pair without remorse.

"Stop!" Remus cried, tears streaming down his face from laughter. Harry only smiled and intensified the the tickles. Sirius couldn't breathe anymore and simply shaking on the floor. Harry held it for a few more moments before releasing it. He watched, amused, as Sirius and Remus gasped to catch their breath. Remus looked up at him with wide eyes. "How did you know we were in here?" Harry frowned lightly and threw off the covers.

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