12th Entry *EDITED*

38 6 11

I awoke to my alarm clock going off, why was my alarm clock going off? It was way too early in the morning, it was only 3.27 am, I never ever woke up this early. I hit the snooze button and collapsed back on my bed trying to once again fall into a deep sleep.


I woke up again, this time to a loud pounding on my door. What was going on? I thought, is the house on fire? Did someone have a heart attack? Did I die and end up in hell? No. I was pretty sure if I was in hell, it wouldn't have a door.

"Kaity, hurry up, we've got to be at the airport in an hour." Mum calls from the other side of the door. Airport? Why did I need to go to the- Oh! Now I knew why it was the 19th of December and well it was Los Angeles time. I moaned and curled back up in bed, I didn't want to go, I didn't want to leave Nate.

" Kaitlyn, move that butt of yours this instance or I'm going to march right in there and drag both you and the bed out to the airport with me! Now move!" My Dad yells, I gulp and stifle the small scream that was building itself inside of me. I was pretty sure my Dad would go through with that threat and then I would be seriously embarrassed. I scurried to my feet trying to find an outfit that would make my Dad rip his eyes out from their sockets. If I was going to be miserable on this trip, then I would make everyone else miserable with me. I pull out a pair of very short denim shorts that were ripped down the side (and that my parents did not approve of) and I grab a short sleeve navy blue and white crop top from my drawers, that showed a lot more skin than my parents thought necessary. I lace up my boots, throw a scarf around my neck and a woollen beanie from my closet. I heave my suitcase from its place at the end of my bed and drag it with me down the stairs, before leaving it in the landing. I sit down at the kitchen bench and my brother gives me a quick glance before smirking into his coffee cup. He had had the same idea as me and had dressed as though he was a punk, army brat. I laughed and we shared a knowing smile. He poured me out a coffee, being chivalrous for once in his life and I took it gladly as I felt the heat radiating through the mug and warming up my fingers.

My parents walked into the kitchen and I immediately saw Dad's face turn red with anger.

"What in the blazes are you two wearing? Go back to your rooms and put some decent clothes on!" He yells at us, I give him a big smile.

"But Daddy darling," I say using my sickly sweet voice I saved for just these sought of occasions. "don't we have to be at the airport an hour before the flight and well," I look at my watch. "If we don't leave now then we'll miss that deadline." Dad looks at his watch, while Darren laughs into his mug and my mother sighs before grabbing the suitcases and taking them down to the car. Dad sighs.

"Fine! Have it your way, but get your butts moving." And he ushers us out of our seats and into the car. My brother and I share a fist pump and skip down towards the parked car. As I'm sitting in the backseat my phone chirps and I look down at my new text:

Have fun in America Kaity, I'll miss you. I'll bring you your present the next time I see you. Love Nate

I sigh reclining back in my seat hoping that no one could see the tear that had just fallen across my cheek.


"This is your first boarding call for Boeing 747 to Los Angeles, please make your way to gate 5." Calls an overhead speaker with a very unenthusiastic voice on the other end of the line. I drag myself onto my feet from the uncomfortable airport bench and reluctantly head towards the boarding room with the rest of my family. After loading ourselves into the plane, with me grabbing the window seat, I turn on the miniature TV on the back of the seat in front of me and plug my headphones in, because nothing could be better than spending 12 or so hours in a plane watching movies.

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