19th Entry... *EDITED*

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Only three hours later, I awake to my alarm consistently blaring in my ear, it had already been going off for seven minutes, but I had only just awoken from my deep slumber. With a sigh, I roll over and hit the snooze button on the alarm, before crawling back under the covers. Just one more minute I think to myself if I could just get one more minute of sleep, just one. As my head hits the pillow, my eyes close, before they're jolted awake by Darren running into my bedroom and jumping on the bed, half landing on me and half flattening me on the bed.

"Kaity, get your ass up and into gear, you're already fifteen minutes late. We gotta go." He yells shaking my shoulders painfully.

"Gotta go where?" I mumble, still trying to hold on to the small grasp that sleep had on me before it disappeared completely. His jumping stops and I sneak a quick glance at him, he's staring down at me with a confused expression plastered across his face.

"Kaity where do you think we're going?" He asks, taking his hands off my shoulders.

"Uh, to sleep where else?" I mumble, nuzzling my head deeper in my pillow. I feel a small nudge before I'm being pushed off the bed with full force. "Oww! What was that for?!" I yell, suddenly wide awake and pissed off as hell. I grab at Darren's leg that was dangling off the end of the bed and I pull him down on the ground next to me. He lands with a loud grunt, cursing under his breath.

"Enough playing around, we gotta go. Our plane leaves in a couple of hours and you're clearly not ready." He says looking me up and down, mentally judging my now wrinkled attire.

"Get out!" I yelled pushing him towards the door, sighing at his childish behaviour. He gladly runs through the door, slamming it shut behind him, I sigh shaking my head, he was such a child, an annoying, frustrating child at that. Grumbling in anger, I pull myself up and back onto the bed, straining with the effort. It was way too early in the morning to be doing any sought of physical exercise, even if it was just getting out of bed. I haul my suitcase up onto the bed and start rifling through it, trying to find something quick and easy to change into. I throw my wrinkled clothes onto the bed and hurriedly change into a sunshine yellow slip dress, shoving my pineapple ballet flats on my feet and bundling up the rest of my clothes inside the suitcase. I sit down on top of the suitcase in order to zip it up all the way, struggling with the attempt, but finally managing to get there in the end. I wipe away the sweat that was already forming on my brow, this was way too much physical exercise, way more than I could handle in a day, let alone in ten minutes. Deciding to take a break from the stubborn suitcase, I collapse on the bed with a loud sigh. As much as I wanted to go back to New Zealand, I didn't want to leave Los Angeles, there were so many good memories here and I wasn't ready to leave it all behind just yet. How funny it was that only two weeks ago I was dreading coming here and now that I have to leave, I don't want to go.

"Kaity, are you ready yet?" Darren calls out from the other side of the door. I decide not to reply, too exhausted to speak and already feeling weak from the 'exercise' I had already done. Darren bursts through the door, obviously assuming it would have been locked and he tumbles to the ground in a heap, before rushing to his feet and dusting himself off as though nothing had happened. I laughed so hard that I ended up snorting, Darren stares at me, a horrified expression plastered on his face before he too starts laughing. He grabs my hands and heaves me to my feet. "Come on, we have places to go to and people who haven't seen you in a long time and will probably swarm you with hugs when you get back." I smile thinking of Ava and how accurate that will be, she probably wouldn't let me out of her sight for hours.

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