In The Middle of Class

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I couple of days had gone by and I was still pissed off at Mackenzie. I couldn't believe her. Almost everyone hates her, you thin k she would take all the friends she could get.

Anyways I was in the middle of Math, it's the one class I had with Josh. I was doing my work when Josh comes up behind me and whispers in my ear so no one could hear, but I'm pretty sure that Caeley, another one of my friends, heard. "Mackenzie told me why you;re mad at her. Your mad because you liked me first. She forwarded me one of your text." With that he walked off back to his seat. That didn't bug me, since we weren't supose to be up and around talking.

That just made me so pissed off that I just couldn't wait for school to end. I couldn't believe she would go that low. After everything she's done, she decides to do that. There was no going back now, there was no fixing this.

I went the whole school day thinking about what Maxkenzie did.

When I got home I instantly went on my phone and started texting Mackenzie.

To: Mackenzie Koss

From: You

Jos told me that you forwarded one of my text to him.

To: You

From: Mackenzie Koss

Ya, I did that.

To: Mackenzie Koss

From:  You

I can't believe you would forward him a text that said I liked him in it to him.

To: You

From: Mackenzie Koss

I didn't send that. I sent him the one about the friends can hurt feelings and guys breaking hearts.

To: Mackenzie Koss

From: You

No, you didn't. I know what one you sent. He said word for word one the the text I sent you.

To: You

From: Mackenzie Koss

No, I didn't I swear.

To: Mackenzie Koss

From: You

I don't believe you. Anyways, why would you even forward a text to him? Those are our conversations. He doesn't need to know what we text about.

To: You 

From: Mackenzie Koss

I was texting him one day, I told him I was upset and he wanted to know why, so I sent the text.

To: Mackenzie Koss

From: You

I can't believe you.

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