How it All Began: The Fansign

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Today was going to be the best day of your life.
You began to gather all your things, checking your list about a million times before your friend shouted from downstairs that it was time to go.

Today you were going to meet the seven boys that held your heart in the palm of their hands. Today you'd meet the boys that meant the most to you. Who's music had been there for you so many times. Today you were going to meet BTS at their fansign.

You get in the car with your friend, Y/F/N, and head to the building 3 hours early. Neither of you wanted to be late!

"Are you excited? Gosh what are we going to say to them. I hope I don't cry. I want to seem chill, you know? But how can I be calm I mean they're so handsome" you ramble on.

"Y/N you've got to calm down! You're speaking a million words a second! Did you remember your gift for them?"

"Of course How could I forget that. I hope they like it."

You bought a giant purple heart blanket and had your mother help you stitch "ARMY PURPLES BTS" on it. You of course also added a note with your name and twitter handle just incase by some twist of fate they wanted to see who you were, though you knew they wouldn't.

"Ah I think we're here Y/N!!"

You're nervous and excited all at the same time. You just hope you don't blackout because this moment will probably be the best moment of your entire life.

You and Y/F stand in line anxiously waiting for your turn. You watch as the others interact with the boys.

"Ah they're more handsome in person. How am I not going to fall apart in front of them. They'll be looking right at me. Ah I don't know if I'll survive it!"

"Y/N you better get your stuff together there's only 10 people ahead of us!"

You hold tighten your grip on the gift you brought and start thinking about who you'll give it to.
You could surprise Jin with it since he's always surprising us with hearts...
Or maybe Jimin since he is your bias..
But what about Tae he did start the purple saying...

You and your friend are next. You make the decision to give it to Tae and step up to the table!

As you move from member you can't help but be shocked by their looks. And their sweet voices. Your nerves grow as you approach Tae.

"Hello, how are you" he says to you.
His voice is so deep. You gather up the courage to place your gift in front of him.

"Hello! I'm great, how are you? I have a gift for you!"

"Ah let's see it then!"
You place the gift box on the table and wait to see his reaction.
He carefully opens the box and sees the soft purple cloth. He picks it up and opens to read the words!

"ARMY purples BTS. Wow I love it! Thank you so much dear"

"You're welcome! I hope you stay healthy and well! Eat good Tae! I love you!!"

"Purple you!" he shouts as you move down the line.

You're in so much shock it's like you didn't meet anyone else. The next thing you knew you were outside walking to the car.

"They're so nice I can't believe that just happened" you say as you get in the car.

"I know I can't believe it either. They are so so handsome and sweet. Gosh I just know they'd be amazing boyfriends. Could you even imagine"

The rest of the day you sit at home trying to hold on to the memory and feeling of meeting them. You actually met them! You met BTS and Tae liked your gift!

<Jimin's POV>

Ah the fansign is over and look at all the gifts! I love when they give us things. They always gift such thoughtful gifts and help us remember the interaction we had with them.

"GUYS LOOK WHAT SOMEONE GAVE US" Tae runs around shouting while holding up a heart shaped blanket.

"Ah it's so soft" Jimin says while taking it away from him to read it. "ARMY purples BTS. wow that's sweet of them to make"
He holds onto the blanket and continues to examine it. As he does this a note falls from the blanket which Jimin picks up and begins to read "Love, Y/N @ y/twitter/n"
"I don't remember seeing the girl who gave us this" Jimin says.
He takes out his phone and decides to look for photo on twitter.

Wow. She's beautiful.

<Your POV>

You decide to lay down for bed after taking your shower. You feel your phone vibrate and look down to see a Twitter notification from BTS.

Wait. What? This must be a mistake. Someone hacked their account. Or it's a prank account. This can't be real...

"DM from BTS" is written in the notification that is displayed on your screen. This must be a joke. There is no way they would DM me.
You open twitter and go straight to your DMs.

"Hello Y/N, this is Jimin. I found your gift and wanted to say thank you..."

I hope you enjoy this and the parts that follow! I wrote this based of a dream I had😂 Here's a pic of Jimin that is insanely beautiful. Like how is he that perfect. IDK.

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