Our First Conversations

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Before you start i'm warning you this one won't be to interesting. It's a boring middle chapter that we need to get details that will bring us better chapters i promise the next ones will be so much better!!! THANKS FOR READING ILY

You read it for the 10th time

"Hello Y/N, this is Jimin. I found your gift and wanted to say thank you. I'm glad I got to meet you today..."

You can't believe your eyes. This can't be real. You bury  your face deep into your pillow and scream at the top of your lungs.
You jump out of bed and run around the room.

Maybe you're reading to much into it but what if you aren't? How many other people would he dm and say he's glad he got to meet them?

After 3 minutes of typing and erasing on twitter you come up with a message:

"I'm so glad I was able to meet you! You looked very handsome today Jimin.."

You immediately rethink your decision to call him handsome but it's not like you were lying. He did look incredibly handsome today.

You check the time and see it's 11:50 pm and put your phone up to go to sleep.

Right as you start to fall asleep your phones loud buzzing wakes you.

"Goodnight, Y/N. Talk tomorrow?"

You don't reply because you assume your dreaming. You start to sleep and don't wake up until morning.

<the next day>

You wake up and check your phone before getting out of bed.
You notice twitter has one unopened notification and decide to check it.
It's a dm from Jimin..
"Goodnight, Y/N. Talk tomorrow?" this is so unbelievable. At this point your pretty sure it isn't real even though it looks real.
You decide to reply just saying hi and asking how he slept. You're not expecting a reply from him but it's worth a shot! He did say he wanted to talk today...

You head down stairs drawn to the smell of breakfast cooking. "Good morning love, did you sleep well?" your mother asks

"Yes ma'am I slept very well! what's for breakfast?"

"Eggs, bacon, pancakes.." she goes on but you stop listening. The sound of your phone going off catches your attention.

"Y/F/N: Hey wyd today?" your phone reads

Ah you half expected it to be Jimin but he is a busy man. He may still be resting or maybe practicing or maybe he wasn't very interested in you at all. Oh well, you decide to put it out of your mind and enjoy your breakfast.

After you finish your food you get ready for the day. You and your friend are going to her house to do homework you need to catch up on.

Just before you finish your make up your phone rings again. Ah why is she texting so much she knows how long it takes for my make up to be done.

You check your phone to see what your friend said and your stomach drops. It's not Y/F/N. It's. Him.

"I slept well, listen I want to continue to talk to you and get to know you better. You seem like a very interesting and lovely girl but I have one rule. You can't tell anyone about this. We don't want others to be jealous and give hate."
Of course you understand. You'll do anything he wants to be able to get to know him better. He seems like such a genuinely sweet guy. You agree and promise not to tell a single person.

Secret Relationship with Park JiminWhere stories live. Discover now